Hi, when I follow someone I usually do this from multiple accounts, with different servers and platforms. This is partially as backup. It’s also because different software has different features. E.g. at the moment of writing I mainly post from my Friendica server, but it doesn’t yet support polls, or account migrations. So I also follow from my Pleroma server, which does notify me someone has migrated.
I also sometimes use platforms that support nomadic identity, that allows my channels on multiple servers to be synced. From software that doesn’t support that, a follow request looks like multiple separate requests from those channels.
A long time ago I saw the tv series Roswell and loved it. I started watching it for Shiri Appleby, who I knew from Xena, but would probably have watched it anyway. Shiri is nowadays besides a great actress also a great director. She was amazing in Unreal and the episodes she directed were the best.
Starting a rewatch of Roswell now from my boxset.
#ShiriAppleby #Roswell #NowWatching
#IndiaEisley #Kite #NowWatching
Based on the kind of story you'd expect this film to be cheesier than it is. Instead, India Eisley acts her character Sawa so realistically, it's as if a real-life young assassin with amnesia has stumbled upon the film set and is trying to make sense of the clues she finds, hell-bent on exacting revenge on things in her past she can't quite remember. Some other bits of the film may live up more to the original expectation.
I disagree with the blu-ray cover image's suggestion that she doesn't play the lead character. But big names and all that.
#IndiaEisley #Kite
#IndiaEisley #LookAway #NowWatching
#IndiaEisley #LookAway
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#JodieFoster #Nyad #NowWatching
It's really great that BBC 2 are repeating Red Dwarf. They're doing series 2, or Red Dwarf II in official parlance, and yesterday we had the episode Queeg.
I still have my boxset of series I to VIII to watch. Instead of starting at the beginning, I'll start with where Red Dwarf started for me: the sixth series. That's the one with them flying the "Starbug".
#RedDwarf #NowWatching
I've reached the episode of Red Dwarf series VII where Chloë Annett enters the show as the new Kochanski. I loved seeing her so much and apparently I still do. Also the new angle on the character is great. And no, I have no problem liking both actresses who played the same role.
I also loved her in Crime Traveller, I may have watched that because of her...
#RedDwarf #ChloëAnnett
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Yasmin Paige is an actress I wish I'd hear more about. She did some great things. She was in the Doctor Who spinoff The Sarah Jane Adventures as Maria and also in Pramface and the film Submarine. She was the reason I watched Ballet Shoes, a film with the very talented trio of Yasmin, Emma Watson (yes, the Hermione) and Lucy Boyton (who I've recently seen is still very good). I saw her first in The Mysti Show (yes, I knew Maria before TSJA).
Now I'm watching this film from that same early time, Tooth. Her name may not be on the cover, but she is as the title character, presumably a young tooth fairy. I like how sparkly this cover is! It changes colour with the light falling on it differently.
#YasminPaige #Tooth #NowWatching
#Tooth #YasminPaige #SallyPhillips
As a lifelong Helena Bonham Carter fan I've of course seen Wings of the Dove already (in the cinema even I think). It's long ago and this is the first time watching it from my own blu-ray.
#HelenaBonhamCarter #WingsOfTheDove #NowWatching
The Wings of the Dove (1997)
Kate is secretly betrothed to a struggling journalist, Merton Densher. But she knows her Aunt Maude will never approve of the match, since Kate's deceased mother has lost all her money in a marriage to a degenerate opium addict.letterboxd.com
#HelenaBonhamCarter #TheWingsOfTheDove
Now watching Death Note, the 2006 Japanese film. I understand this story has rather a high status here on fedi, but that's likely because of the manga this film is based on. I don't know much about the story though, going in fresh, except that I'm surprised there isn't a fediverse account posting posts each with just a single name of one of the world's bad persons on it.
Though this is probably one of those things where you shouldn't mix fantasy and reality.
No particular actress I'm watching this for this time, just that way back this dvd was 3 for €25 at the shop.
#DeathNote #NowWatching
The ending being unsatisfactory is being explained away by there being a sequel, but I'm not sure I want to see it.
Read some reviews that were essentially like: 'much better than the Netflix one, 2 1/2 stars'. Actually the reviews were quite mixed, some people who already knew the characters from the original really liked this film, and didn't seem to notice that the characters barely existed here.
#ClaireFoy #JessieBuckley #WomenTalking #NowWatching
It's a really impressive film. The women of a religious colony discuss their options after generations of abuse by the men. These discussions go deep into matters of morality, religion and personality. I like that the film has as narrator/pov a young girl who isn't just the observer but who the writer allows to be more involved and occasionally inject into the discussions things like 'why are you making it so complicated!'. The character played by Claire Foy has some really fiery dialogue and it's not often that a film throws you against the back of your seat by the sheer fire of the lines and their performance, and the truth of them.
Regarding content warning you need to know that, even though the abuse is never shown on screen, the aftermath is (sometimes rather graphically) and the level of abuse discussed is of an extreme sexual nature, targeting women and very young children.
Just like I mentioned for The 4400, I have not seen the last season of The Dead Zone I have on disc either. Here I have seen season one to four on my discs and watched them many years ago, but forgot to watch my season five disc. I've found out there actually is a sixth season as well.
I watched the series because of Nicole de Boer, but her involvement became smaller and smaller, explaining my lack of interest. In this fifth season she's only in a few episodes. More in the sixth.
Let's see whether I still remember the plot. Some guy, Nicole's character's husband gets into a coma. Many years later he unexpectedly wakes up, finding his wife remarried with his best friend. He also finds that he suddenly has visions of things, and decides his mission is to stop bad events and investigate crimes.
Nicole's character is the standard Hollywood 'wife of', where the writers show they don't know how to write an interesting female character.
#NicoleDeBoer #TheDeadZone #NowWatching
A long time ago I watched The 4400, a series with Jacqueline McKenzie. I have all four seasons on disc, but somehow never got around to watching the final fourth season. Let's start it now, I hope I remember enough of the previous seasons.
It's a somewhat scifi series, with 4400 people suddenly returning to earth after presumably having been abducted by aliens. Jacqueline is not one of those, but a police person investigating things around it. As strange things happen: they start to show special abilities, they form a cult like organisation, and what really happened to them while they were missing is still unknown.
Now rewatching AnnaSophia Robb in the film Bridge to Terabithia.
I really like this film. I keep changing what I would mention as my favourite film (I have a list) but a long time ago the subject of favourite film came up at work and a colleague of mine and me at the same time said Bridge to Terabithia. Which is such an odd thing to happen, as it's not even that that many people have even heard of this film...
I'd say this film isn't that much underrated, as just not rated because it is quite unknown.
Anyway, AnnaSophia Robb is brilliant.
More Helena Bonham Carter, from blu-ray, in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. As I remember, she's the bride.
#HelenaBonhamCarter #Frankenstein #MaryShelleysFrankenstein #NowWatching
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994)
Based on Mary Shelley's novel, "Frankenstein" tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a promising young doctor who, devastated by the death of his mother during childbirth, becomes obsessed with bringing the dead back to life.letterboxd.com
#HelenaBonhamCarter #MaryShelleysFrankenstein
Another miniseries, two parts this time, with Helena Bonham Carter this time: Merlin. I like these different retellings of the Arthur/Merlin legends. And I like seeing Helena. In this she plays the witch Morgan, and they've tried with special makeup effects to make her look ugly, which is of course impossible.
I've seen this before on tv, now from my dvd.
"We thought we'd come in the traditional way: through the door."
"It's customary to open it first."
Played this from my own dvd since it's so not available for streaming, rental or buying digitally that it doesn't even have a JustWatch entry (in my country). Most other films I look up there just say 'not available', suggesting they are available in other countries or were available at some point in the past.
Owning dvd's may seem old fashioned, but is still the only way.
#JennaOrtega #TheFallout #NowWatching
The Fallout (2021)
In the wake of a school tragedy, Vada, Mia and Quinton form a unique and dynamic bond as they navigate the never linear, often confusing journey to heal in a world that feels forever changed.boxd.it
#JennaOrtega #ScreamVI #Scream6 #Scream #NowWatching
Jenna Ortega - Actress, Producer, Soundtrack
Jenna Ortega. Actress: Scream. Jenna Marie Ortega was born on September 27, 2002 in Coachella Valley, California.IMDb
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#NowWatching The Gathering with Christina Ricci. I liked this film and Christina's performance when I saw it a long time ago, but I don't remember much about it. It's difficult to find as it's not on any of the streaming services, but I found a dvd.
#ChristinaRicci #TheGathering
The Gathering
Cassie Grant (Christina Ricci) is a young girl from the United States who is wandering through England on foot. On her way to Ashby Wake Cassie is hit by a car. The driver of the car, Mrs Marion Kirkman (Kerry Fox), immediately calls an ambulance.The Movie Database
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#LastNightInSoho #ThomasinMcKenzie #NowWatching
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#LastNightInSoho #ThomasinMcKenzie
Episode 6 Jessica Fox comes in as Enid Nightshade. Instantly quite a character.
It has been my theory (without knowing the books) that originally the idea was to have Mildred go up against Ethel as the standard good vs evil battle. But because Mildred is 'the worst witch', and Ethel some sort of perfect witch with lots of talent, these stories were not going to work very well if magic was to be used in the battles. In comes Enid, also without morals, also very good at spells, but she takes an instant dislike to Ethel so she joins Mildred just to upset her.
#NicoleMuñoz #Pyewacket #NowWatching
#Pyewacket #NicoleMuñoz
American Carnage is a film that Jenna Ortega recorded in Spain several years ago. Nothing much was heard about it for a long time, but when Jenna became more famous with The Fallout and Scream, the film was suddenly released with her prominently in all marketing. I'm not sure yet how big her role really is.
It is not available on European blu-ray or on any of my local digital services. So this is the us blu-ray.
#JennaOrtega #AmericanCarnage #NowWatching
#TatianaMaslany #OrphanBlack #NowWatching
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Helena's "Where are these mangoes?" is such a classic line and so Helena. She follows it up in the same scene with telling an identical clone: "I met your brother. He's ugly.".
I love shows that are so character-based, especially when writers and actresses get it exactly right.
#TatianaMaslany #OrphanBlack
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#TatianaMaslany #OrphanBlack
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#TatianaMaslany #OrphanBlack
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#TatianaMaslany #OrphanBlack
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#FelicityJones #AMonsterCalls
A young boy has to deal with a bully at school, his mother being ill, a strict grandmother and the annoyance of a monster telling allegories, all the while learning some life lessons.
I didn't really feel this film, maybe because the monster was not very convincing as either a monster or a storyteller. Felicity was as feared not in it enough for my liking.
#ZhangZiyi #JasmineWomen #JasmineFlower #NowWatching
#ZhangZiyi #JasmineWomen #JasmineFlower
In saying who's a good actress and in buying their films I really do not care how famous they are (either way, some people are snobs and ignore those who are famous). It's just that for some people there are way more projects to talk about.
I'm now going to watch my blu-ray of Nina Forever, with Abigail Hardingham. It's a horror film, but it's the middle of the day so hopefully I don't get too scared.
I had known she was a good actress, but when I saw her in a double episode of Silent Witness I was stunned how good that performance was. I mentioned this on Twitter, years ago, and was shocked to get a thank you. Some people don't get praise all the time, even though they should.
On the cover, Abigail is the one on the right, not the eponymous ghost character.
#AbigailHardingham #NinaForever #NowWatching
#AbigailHardingham #NinaForever
#HelenaBonhamCarter #CareyMulligan #Suffragette
So far the parallels with the Belgian film Daens (1992) are remarkable (that one is about a moment of social change in Belgium involving a priest called Daens). A smart young woman (Maud/Nette) observes hardships while working in a factory, including the brutality, including sexually, by the male supervisor. There's a government committee that will hopefully bring about change, but their hopes are dashed, resulting in an act of great police brutality. Even down to the committee members being ushered away and the policemen being on horseback. Though I must say that Daens did all this much better and I urge people to see that film. Antje de Boeck is truly amazing as Nette.
Anyway, I'm now wondering who will go to Rome for an audience with the Pope... For surely from here on the stories must diverge.
#ChloëGraceMoretz #BadNeighbours2
When you see a very unrealistic representation of university life, it's not clear whether it's because of it being a comedy or that we are supposed to think (American) university life is like that.
Also, a group of girls asserting their independence as a sorority by doing exactly what a guy tells them to do? I hope this becomes a plot point later on...
So far, every single character is not being true to themselves, but not really in a comedic way.
#ChristinaRicci #TheLizzieBordenChronicles #LizzieBordenTookAnAxe
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#AmyLeighHickman #AckleyBridge #YouNetflix
#AmyLeighHickman #AckleyBridge
#ChloëGraceMoretz #ShadowInTheCloud #NowWatching
Shadow in the Cloud (2020) - IMDb
Shadow in the Cloud: Directed by Roseanne Liang. With Chloë Grace Moretz, Nick Robinson, Beulah Koale, Taylor John Smith.IMDb
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#ChloëGraceMoretz #ShadowInTheCloud
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Fun to find out they were thinking of crediting Chloë for all departments, like lighting, hair, makeup, wardrobe, grip. For over two weeks they shot scenes with her in a cramped space where they couldn't do these things, so Chloë had to do it herself.
Less fun if you realise she's claustrophobic...
#ChloëGraceMoretz #ShadowInTheCloud
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Gidi Kroon
in reply to Gidi Kroon • •Love story openings like that.
Gidi Kroon
in reply to Gidi Kroon • •It's nice to see what a really great lead actress brings to a series. She not only plays her role very well, but she also captures the audience and sets the tone. I think she makes Roswell the warm and interesting show it is.
That her role would be the lead wasn't that obvious. The series is about aliens hiding in Roswell and she is just a human. But I think it works out well, to have human Liz as point of view.
#ShiriAppleby #Roswell