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This entry was edited (11 months ago)

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Now watching series four of The Worst Witch, aka series one (and only) of Weirdsister College, aka the one where Felicity Jones is back. They're now at college, Mildred and Ethel have to room together and go head to head. I remember this series to be more intense and deeper than the previous ones. I'm playing this from my own (German) discs.
#FelicityJones #TheWorstWitch #WeirdsisterCollege
This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Gidi Kroon

One of the episodes on this dvd has the wrong audio track, of another episode. So I had to watch it with the German dub instead.

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Episode 6 Jessica Fox comes in as Enid Nightshade. Instantly quite a character.

It has been my theory (without knowing the books) that originally the idea was to have Mildred go up against Ethel as the standard good vs evil battle. But because Mildred is 'the worst witch', and Ethel some sort of perfect witch with lots of talent, these stories were not going to work very well if magic was to be used in the battles. In comes Enid, also without morals, also very good at spells, but she takes an instant dislike to Ethel so she joins Mildred just to upset her.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Teaching the kids puffication without also teaching them repuffication is quite irresponsible.