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This entry was edited (11 months ago)

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This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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Miranda Cosgrove has a new film coming up: The Wrong Paris for Netflix. Obviously it involves her character wanting, no needing, to be in Paris, France, but finding herself in Paris, Texas.
#MirandaCosgrove #TheWrongParis

Emilia Clarke's film The Pod Generation is now on Amazon Prime in my country, but under a new title: "Baby to Go". I really liked this film when I saw it in the cinema, I dislike that new title.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

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Gidi Kroon reshared this.

no no, not a teams meeting, it's a meet meeting. on google meet. it might be called duo for you? i sent you a hangouts to the drive link on messages. no no not your gmail inbox, it's under "all mail", not every email goes to the inbox, haha. or if you're using the classic mode it might be under meetups or promotions. yeah where the chats used to be, before they made google voice an RCS thing. have you got it from google play? no not the green one, the new one with the multicoloured icon. you can only use the green one with legacy members. ok so the problem is you're on workspace for business, it's under google one basic now. did you try quick sharing it? no see you can't use it on a tablet, only a phone or laptop, unless you want the plus features, that only works on phones of course. honestly the easiest way from here is through the docs plugin, unless you wanna family share if you can do vowifi

To add your IMAP account to Outlook, we need to sync your mails to the Microsoft Cloud.

You what?

Since I didn't even ask to use Outlook, that seems like a no from me.

(The 'Learn more'-page says that this even applies to Gmail. You have the let Microsoft copy your whole Gmail inbox, all your mails, onto their servers.)

in reply to Gidi Kroon

So I added only my Microsoft mail account, figuring that they are not a third party to that. The first thing this new Outlook does is show me an advert inserted at the top of my inbox. The old Windows Mail never did that.

Switched back for now. They say that in 2024 we can't switch back anymore and we need to use the new Outlook. Hoping it doesn't turn 2024 anytime soon.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

My problem with Microsoft wanting a shadow copy of all your emails and run your accounts from their servers is this:

Your email box is one of the most sensitive things you have. It contains all information anybody needs to take over all your accounts anywhere, even take over your whole life. I pay my email provider to handle this securely, with competent people and with proper support channels. I don't pay Microsoft anything. And to provide this free service for me, they even need and keep all my email passwords. Where whoever can access them.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

The preview image you maybe see is not of today's film, weirdly.
This entry was edited (3 days ago)

People should stop reading reviews, including letterboxd and IMDb, and just enjoy watching films.

Really, people who make themselves 'reviewers' are just part of the anti-enjoyment brigade.

So afraid that at some point someone is going to suggest AI for reviewing documents, reviewing source code, regression testing.


Somebody already did, didn't they?

In-camera upscaling

This is such a depressing thing to hear. Why does everything get infected with AI?

cristobal reshared this.

I have link previews turned off and I'm a very literal person, so it was only after thinking that all the praise in the thread fitted with Norah Jones too, that I realised it was a misspelling...

Nora Jones just did Tiny Desk. 🎶

Here's the link for you.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

Content warning: fedi meta

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in reply to Zack Weinberg

Content warning: re: fedi meta


America will definitely get a new president - either the astonishing return of the criminally convicted Donald Trump or it its first ever female president.

Some there will see that as choosing the lesser evil, and I'm not sure which way they will go.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

Nice discussion here on #llm weaknesses with summarizing, something I rarely use them for but which I see as one popular use for academics. Argues they shorten rather than summarize with emphasis on volume rather than key points and we need to think of the influence of context (from the input) vs parameters (from the LLM training data).

This is also a nice setup for a student exercise: ask them to summarize an article themselves, test in various LLMs, and analyze.


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Gidi Kroon reshared this.

Breaking: Trump refuses to accept the results of the presidential withdrawal, will continue to campaign against Biden.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

in reply to Missing The Point

He can accept what he likes, if he wants to campaign against someone not even on the ticket its his problem
in reply to Missing The Point

The fun thing about facts is that even if you refuse to accept them, they’re still true!

Wasn't it a line in Doctor Who where the British prime minister was eventually forced to step down by one line whispered in a bystander's ear: 'doesn't she look tired?'

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

I have to say the relentless MEDIA drumbeat calling for Biden to step aside, plus their relentless quibbling about his gaffes, together with their absolute SILENCE over Trump's gaffes, crimes, and general insanity is very, very tiring and depressing.

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in reply to Peter Gleick

in reply to Peter Gleick

Left-leaning media called for Biden to bow out because they wanted a better candidate. They're not going to worry about whether Trump should drop out because he's not their candidate.

Right-leaning media won't call for Trump to bow out because they've drunk the orange Kool-Aid. And they called for Biden to drop out because they wanted to make him look bad, and make it appear as if he had no support.

Dafne does an 'oops did i forget to mention this' when she appears in the trailer of the new Wolverine film.
#DafneKeen #DeadpoolAndWolverine
This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Good to hear that so much of the travel and healthcare industries are using security software.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Not so impressed with them doing unattended updates.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

AI Uncertainty: A state of unease where real photographs all seem a little suspect since you have been fooled by or narrowly spotted an AI generated image.

A feeling of unreality and general distrust of everything. Can also apply to text, and the feeling that you are the only person ever to read it since it was generated.

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Watching Jasmine Paolini fight her way back into this Wimbledon final, and a real fight it is.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

That was a valiant fight back that went down the wire in the final set, but it wasn't to be. Next year I'm sure.

Some photos I found of her, from earlier matches. Also this match we saw her focus, and her smile, and it's so great to see both in the same person...

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

Saturday at Noon is my talk:

"Past, Present, Predictions: A look into how AI, Deepfakes and PsyOps will play in the upcoming elections"


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in reply to BiaSciLab

Is it possible to view a recording of this talk?
in reply to Nemesis

@NemesisTheFox keep an eye out, I will do a post once hope posts the talks!

Top-performing means most able to resist the use of AI, right? Right?

Sounds like in one go we throw out all environmental targets.

Please don't.

AI is becoming a game-changer for businesses of all sizes and sectors.

In fact, in 2023, 8% of EU companies have already adopted AI technologies, with top-performing countries being:

🇩🇰 15,2%
🇫🇮 15,1%
🇱🇺 14,4%.

What's most exciting is that we're going to give SMEs and startups access to AI factories in the #EU and dedicated AI supercomputers, so they can use AI and stay competitive on a global scale.

AI factories are expected to be deployed in 2025.

🔗 More:!HXyQtH

Not even a day's travel.

Sister ship Voyager 1 is 22h 38m 15s of light travel time from Earth (2024:194:120000:1L)

I'm hoping for the time to arrive soon where companies will realise that mentioning AI near their product will actually lose them sales.

Thanks nature for putting my rain pipe repairs through an extensive test run.

I found I have an ancient pc speaker set that I used on a previous pc at least 25 years ago. In trying to see whether it could be connected to modern pc's, I discovered it also has a digital(!) input. I never knew...

Still tricky though, no USB...

in reply to Gidi Kroon

image your failing windows laptop and run the image on a vm on your linux laptop

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

Hi #PortfolioDay 👀

I’m a freelance illustrator based in Hamburg, Germany. My clients are mainly book & game publishers big & small, and museums.
I'm available for new projects in 2024!


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in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@hypolite @bekopharm

it was actually commissioned by CD Projekt Red as part of a promo campaign where the Witcher and his company visit different places in Europe, illustrated by artists from these respective countries. It was a very fun assignment :)

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

I made myself a new website for my photography. I couldn't get any CMS or website builder to structure the data the way it made sense to me so I made it from scratch. #BelieveInFilm

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I don't consider paying for a service to be an anti-pattern. Expecting everything to be free is maybe the anti-pattern.

Why do companies like Adobe think advertising that their products contain AI is a good thing? It's all over their website. While I would consider it a positive feature if the software doesn't contain AI.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

Don't miss my talk at H.O.P.E.!

"Past, Present, Predictions: A Look into How AI, Deepfakes, and PsyOps Will Play in the Upcoming Elections"


Gidi Kroon reshared this.

Having big train stations like Utrecht Central Station seems to give rise to indoor pigeons.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

When eight-year-old Emma Glenfield wanted to know more about why magpies swoop at people, her teacher (Luke Carr) encouraged her to gather data and analyse it.

She noted that the birds seemed to target tall balding men, and created an online survey with the help of her mum. The survey went viral, with over 30,000 respondents.

The results, as shown in a brilliant Lego graph, demonstrated that the birds do target balding men more frequently (with less than 1% margin of error, thanks to the large sample size).

"According to magpie expert Darryl Jones, professor emeritus at Griffith University, it's the first time anyone has ever examined the link between magpie swooping and appearance."

The ABC article includes more details, along with this excellent Lego graph (and other great pictures).

#MathEd #Magpie #Lego #Australia

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That's nice, the week after next the trains won't be going in my city because they figure it's holiday, nobody is going to miss them, time to do some repairs. Also that week, the fair will be in my city, which traditionally is one of the really popular ones in this region, where a lot of people come from all over to participate in the fun.