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There's so much going on that I can't post disapproving posts for every single thing. So here's just one blanket one.

It's all wrong. You know, everything. All of it. Not just in the US, but it's happening, or starting to, everywhere. The rule of law is abandoned and people are shipped off to uncontrolled foreign prisons. People's right to be who they are is removed. Institutions to help and better other people are disbanded.

We need to get back to caring about other people. Care about the next generation's ability to get educated. No matter the skin colour, no matter the social class, care about whether people can buy food. Care about people getting a fair trial. Care about people whether they are your gender or not, or have the gender you think they have, or even have a gender.

Care about other people, no matter what kind of 'other' they are.

newsfeed reshared this.

If your world view consists of white cowboy hats and black cowboy hats you may want to check whether your white cowboy hats aren't just black cowboy hats that have been spray painted white.

Pinned post, about following from multiple addresses

Hi, when I follow someone I usually do this from multiple accounts, with different servers and platforms. This is partially as backup. It’s also because different software has different features. E.g. at the moment of writing I mainly post from my Friendica server, but it doesn’t yet support polls, or account migrations. So I also follow from my Pleroma server, which does notify me someone has migrated.

I also sometimes use platforms that support nomadic identity, that allows my channels on multiple servers to be synced. From software that doesn’t support that, a follow request looks like multiple separate requests from those channels.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Gidi reshared this.

This entry was edited (2 years ago)

reshared this

Watching Uglies with Joey King on Netflix, where she plays one of the people who are considered Uglies. So that's a lie already.

#JoeyKing #Uglies

Interview in "Den of Geek" with Jenna Ortega and others about the film Death of a Unicorn, which was just premiered on the SXSW Film Festival.…

#JennaOrtega #DeathOfAUnicorn

newsfeed reshared this.

Apparently Jenna Ortega and Natalie Portman have just wrapped filming The Gallerist yesterday, a film I didn't yet know they were making and which I know nothing about...
#JennaOrtega #NataliePortman #TheGallerist

in reply to Gidi Kroon

The trailer for Hurry Up Tomorrow is out and it looks great! Clearly a lead role for Jenna Ortega. Here's the trailer on her Instagram:…
#JennaOrtega #HurryUpTomorrow
in reply to Gidi Kroon

The official trailer for Hurry Up Tomorrow on YouTube, with Jenna Ortega being brilliant. Not surprised, just really excited to see this film.…
#JennaOrtega #HurryUpTomorrow

Spring can't come fast enough!

The trailer for the new film with Jenna Ortega is out! Death of a Unicorn, coming soon.
#JennaOrtega #DeathOfAUnicorn…

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice with Jenna Ortega and The Pod Generation with Emilia Clarke arrived on blu-ray!

The German release of the latter has an alternative title Baby To Go, which isn't even in German. In my own country hardly any discs are released anymore, so we have to make do with these German releases.
#JennaOrtega #BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice #EmiliaClarke #ThePodGeneration #BabyToGo

The trailer for Stephanie Leonidas's new film Marching Powder is out, here on her Instagram:… . Warning that it's quite violent.
#StephanieLeonidas #MarchingPowder

Tonight in the #BirthweekRewatch for Jenna Ortega's birthday last Friday: The Fallout. Her best film.…

in reply to Gidi Kroon

That opening is still great: not showing the event makes it more powerful, not less.

Happy Birthday, Jenna Ortega!

She may be busy filming Wednesday season two in Ireland, but today it is also her 22nd birthday and I feel like celebrating it with a #BirthweekRewatch. A week because a Friday doesn't give enough time to rewatch all I want to see. She made so many great things!

I saw Miller's Girl twice in the cinema, because I liked it so much. Now from the comfort of my own blu-ray player.

#JennaOrtega #MillersGirl

Great to see that the large majority of people really enjoyed seeing Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, as did I, even in forums like letterboxd where otherwise sour people who don't like films seem to gather.
#BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice #JennaOrtega
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Jenna's role is bigger than you would expect for a sequel featuring most original characters, but her role didn't completely take over the franchise as it was for Scream. Not yet anyway. Of course I would have wanted the story to be fully about her character, yet it wasn't, it involves everybody. But at the same time, it is sort of clear that without her performance in the way only she can do, the sequel would not have worked. The other cast members have remarked in interviews that the sequel had to wait so long because she still needed to be born, grow up and become an actress, and that's true.

Just seen Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, I really liked this! Enough retro, enough modern, enough bigger than the original. Great performance by Jenna Ortega, I love being a fan of hers, she's creating a great catalogue of films.
#JennaOrtega #BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice

Jenna Ortega's film Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is out this week! So I'm watching Beetlejuice now to get ready to see it in the cinema. Oops, did I now say it three times?
#JennaOrtega #BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice

I saw Deadpool & Wolverine this evening in the cinema, and the first film this morning to see what it is about. Can't say I'm a fan of the franchise. But Dafne Keen is in this one, so that is enough reason. Her role is small-ish, but not nearly as small as I feared. And if you've seen Logan back in the day (now that is a film I like), there's some nice touches where this film refers to that one.
#DafneKeen #DeadpoolAndWolverine

The film Beetlejuice Beetlejuice with Jenna Ortega has its release date in my country, NL, on Thursday 5 September, one day ahead of the US. Tickets are available from today.
#JennaOrtega #BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice

Jenna Ortega is promoting Beetlejuice Beetlejuice in Mexico and just posted this red carpet photo.
#JennaOrtega #BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice
This entry was edited (7 months ago)

I like this! Promotion of the film Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (in cinema 6 September), posting Astrid's three moods:

  • cozy spooky
  • hauntingly spooky
  • otherworldly spooky

#JennaOrtega #BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice #Beetlejuice

This entry was edited (7 months ago)

The film Issac, where Dove Cameron plays Cassi, which has its release date 'coming soon' for centuries now, has its release date coming soon ('the next announcement') but also has a new title: Love Me Dead. They also say that the release is going to be worldwide!
#DoveCameron #Issac #LoveMeDead
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Love Me Dead, previously known as Issac, will be released on Valentines Day. In this film Dove Cameron plays Cassi.
#DoveCameron #LoveMeDead

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

Miranda Cosgrove has a new film coming up: The Wrong Paris for Netflix. Obviously it involves her character wanting, no needing, to be in Paris, France, but finding herself in Paris, Texas.
#MirandaCosgrove #TheWrongParis…

Dafne does an 'oops did i forget to mention this' when she appears in the trailer of the new Wolverine film.…
#DafneKeen #DeadpoolAndWolverine
This entry was edited (8 months ago)

Two 'Whoa!'s: first that I apparently forgot to mention here that Siena Agudong will lead the upcoming film for tubi called Sidelined: The QB and me, playing Dallas (the cheerleader, not the city).

Second 'Whoa!' today is that Mia Shanks is joining her in that film as Emily. Mia is a singer and actress who may be known as the daughter of Lexa Doig (Andromeda in Andromeda) but she is now making her own mark.
#SienaAgudong #MiaShanks #SidelinedTheQBAndMe #TheQBBadBoyAndMe

Review for Jenna Ortega's Winter Spring Summer or Fall, now at the Tribeca film festival. I hope I get to see it one day...…
#JennaOrtega #WinterSpringSummerOrFall
in reply to Gidi Kroon

She's so many projects ahead of me... They still haven't even released Finestkind in my country...

The film X with Jenna Ortega is going to be in cinemas again for one day only in a nationwide fan event on the 18th of June. They don't specify which nation, but I can guess. See their insta post. You're also going to get a sneak peak at the third film in the trilogy, MaXXXine.
#JennaOrtega #X…
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Jenna was not in the second film Pearl and is extremely unlikely to be in MaXXXine, I hope I'm not suggesting she is.

Saw Everything Everywhere All At Once and sorry, I couldn't get into it. But it's a ride. Spoilers in the link.

I thought I had recorded the 1990 version of The Witches, but it turned out to be the newer 2020 one. Having watched it, I'd still much rather would have watched the older one...

in reply to Gidi Kroon

I know it's only been a few weeks since I saw her in the cinema in Miller's Girl, but the withdrawal is hard.

The film 5lbs of Pressure with Stephanie Leonidas is now streaming in the UK (and was already available in the US). I'm hoping it gets to my place soon too.
#StephanieLeonidas #5lbsOfPressure

Stephanie Leonidas posted some photos of an upcoming film of hers on Twitter and Instagram. The posts don't say which film, but she captioned it "Donna", which according to imdb is her character in 5lbs of Pressure.
#StephanieLeonidas #5lbsOfPressure

Dafne Keen will executive produce and star in a new film called Night Comes. The film's description looks very interesting, being a horror thriller that is both action and character based, set in a world without rules and gender roles. It is further produced by the people behind Get Out.…

The two actresses playing sisters trying to survive the horror also rather look like they could be sisters. This explains Dafne's Instagram story of yesterday, where she posted an extreme closeup of her with another young woman, but they looked so alike and it was so closeup, that you couldn't tell who's who. Dafne must have known the announcement was coming today and wanted to skirt around the edges of what the embargo would allow...
#DafneKeen #NightComes

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Dafne's Instagram stories the day before and on the day of the announcement of the film where she and Samantha Lorraine will be sisters.

#DafneKeen #SamanthaLorraine #NightComes

Jenna Ortega's film Winter Spring Summer or Fall will have its world premiere at the Tribeca Festival (New York) on 6 June 2024.

#JennaOrtega #WinterSpringSummerOrFall

They managed to make geoblocking of films even more irritating: I get a specific mail from Amazon Prime Video, telling me that Finestkind with Jenna Ortega is now available for rent. That's great, because I still want to see it, since Paramount+/SkyShowtime is not carrying that film in my country.

I go to their page, only to be met with the popup that this film is not available in my location.

Then why send me that email?!

Anyway, dear Americans, Finestkind is available for rent in your country!
#Finestkind #JennaOrtega

This entry was edited (11 months ago)

Saw Miller's Girl again in the cinema (who knows when I'll see it again) and again of course impressed by Jenna Ortega. Wrote about it with major spoilers in the next post (copied from letterboxd).
#JennaOrtega #MillersGirl
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Major spoilers for Miller's Girl (2024). Don't read if you haven't seen it.
This entry was edited (11 months ago)

Chloë Grace Moretz will film Oh. What. Fun., which they somewhat compare to one of my favourite films Home for the Holidays.…
#ChloëGraceMoretz #OhWhatFun

Corina Bradley's series Hotel Cocaine will be on MGM+ in just over two months.

Miranda Cosgrove's film Mother of the Bride is on Netflix 9 May.

Katie Douglas's film Lazareth is out 10 May.
#CorinaBradley #MirandaCosgrove #KatieDouglas #HotelCocaine #MotherOfTheBride #Lazareth

in reply to Gidi Kroon

MGM got bought by Amazon (killing the new Stargate series in the process), so maybe it's just a section of Prime video that you pay extra for?
in reply to StarkRG

That is exactly what it is, thank you. I couldn't find it in the list of channels Amazon was trying to sell me, but it turns out that was (surprise surprise) because I'm already subscribed to it! It used to be called differently, StarzPlay I think, and got renamed.

Now if they only had Paramount+ too in my country like they do in most places...

Just back from Miller's Girl in the cinema, seeing Jenna Ortega on the big screen is such an amazing experience!
#JennaOrtega #MillersGirl
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Jenna Ortega's film Miller's Girl is in Dutch cinemas tomorrow! Here are some of the cinemas it's showing in:……
#JennaOrtega #MillersGirl

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Jenna Ortega in the teaser trailer for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. Don't say the name of this film one and a half times...
#JennaOrtega #BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice #Beetlejuice2 #Beetlejuice

I'm watching Dafne Keen in the film Ana. It's rather difficult to find outside the US, even when you know it is sometimes called The Guardian. But I can confirm that the US blu-ray disc also plays in my European player.

The film is from 2020, so a while ago, and only the second film with Dafne that I get to see. From the trailer it seems interesting. But I would watch films with Dafne anyway...
#DafneKeen #Ana

in reply to Gidi Kroon

I really liked it, it isn't the standard story you're expecting from the trailer. Dafne is of course the powerhouse you'd expect.

I like the scene over the end credits, where Dafne/Ana shows how to record a proper advert for Rafa's used car business, after Rafa at the beginning of the film tries (and fails) the record a great advert to get some much needed attention for his business.
#DafneKeen #Ana

Miranda Cosgrove shared a video of her spotting a billboard of Drugstore June and also posted the trailer of the film, as the film of a friend of hers that she's excited to see getting released. But if you pay attention you see Miranda herself in the trailer, probably in a small role. The IMDb page lists her too.
#MirandaCosgrove #DrugstoreJune