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This is an interesting concept. That maybe when you as a content creator, or any other creative person, feel like you're stuck in a rut and don't know what too create next, maybe you're too stuck in your own head. Maybe you need to allow yourself to be inspired by others. Read a book. Listen to music.

New video by Tah:…

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Another thing I'm thinking when watching her channel: why is she so worried about viewing numbers? She doesn't need viewing numbers to be an interesting channel, she already is. Ok, so only 816 people watched her previous video. I'm one of them. And I liked it. And even if nobody watches them, who cares, they're still interesting and worthy videos.

Sometimes I post photos on Instagram. I like taking them. The new analytics on Instagram show that these reach between 2 and 5 accounts. So I've long given up doing that for the numbers. I just like taking them and knowing they're out there or somewhere.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Also great #cat content. I love the moment her cat picks up the pen in its mouth and starts to draw a line on the paper by itself.