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More Helena Bonham Carter, from blu-ray, in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. As I remember, she's the bride.
#HelenaBonhamCarter #Frankenstein #MaryShelleysFrankenstein #NowWatching

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Somehow we have to believe that Kenneth Branagh is the son of Cherie Lunghi (eight years difference), and grew up as children together with Helena Bonham Carter (six years difference).
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Her character is more forceful than you'd expect a female character to be in this kind of role, maybe helped by having a female author. It seems to be Helena's thing: choose a role that isn't lead by events but who drives the narrative, then in her acting drive it even more.
#HelenaBonhamCarter #MaryShelleysFrankenstein