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Now watching Death Note, the 2006 Japanese film. I understand this story has rather a high status here on fedi, but that's likely because of the manga this film is based on. I don't know much about the story though, going in fresh, except that I'm surprised there isn't a fediverse account posting posts each with just a single name of one of the world's bad persons on it.

Though this is probably one of those things where you shouldn't mix fantasy and reality.

No particular actress I'm watching this for this time, just that way back this dvd was 3 for €25 at the shop.
#DeathNote #NowWatching

in reply to Gidi Kroon

I didn't need to freeze frame to read the notebook's instructions, they are repeating it. Nice that they are in English, apparently the language of supernatural beings.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Almost all female characters have no personality whatsoever if they exist at all, I dislike that in a film. The subject matter could have done with more depth of the emotional consequences of the actions, it's now all so lightweight.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

The ending being unsatisfactory is being explained away by there being a sequel, but I'm not sure I want to see it.

Read some reviews that were essentially like: 'much better than the Netflix one, 2 1/2 stars'. Actually the reviews were quite mixed, some people who already knew the characters from the original really liked this film, and didn't seem to notice that the characters barely existed here.