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Gidi Kroon reshared this.

was briefly baffled by this CAPTCHA until i realized it was asking me to identify the animal that was bigger than the other animals in the picture, not the animal that, in real life, is bigger than roughly 1cm

we are rapidly approaching the point at which CAPTCHAs clever enough to keep the bots out are too confusing for the humans

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Gidi Kroon reshared this.

in reply to Molly White

"If soy sauce is umami, don't not click the rainbow lorikeet otherwise click the eastern rosella"

Jenna Ortega's film Winter Spring Summer or Fall will have its world premiere at the Tribeca Festival (New York) on 6 June 2024.

#JennaOrtega #WinterSpringSummerOrFall

This post, including the letters t, has been licensed for home use only.

I love this photo of Helena Gualinga (from her Instagram). She's a human rights and climate activist from Ecuador fighting to stop fossil fuel exploration in the Amazon.


in reply to Gidi Kroon

I thought I had posted about her before. Anyway, I like, besides everything she stands for of course, also the contrast between her looking tribal one moment (when at home) and highly fashionable the next (for speaking engagements and such) (the things you have to do to save your land...) but especially how she combines the two.

I found some more photos on her own Instagram that illustrate that point.

Stop mining the Amazon! Protect this woman's land, and actually our whole planet.

Great interview with Claudia Jessie (Eloise in Bridgerton) about acting, her life and the class chasm. Eloise is my favourite Bridgerton character...…
#ClaudiaJessie #Bridgerton

I still love this dialogue. The one time I had to do the whole dialogue instead of taking one line out of context for increased mystery:…
#NoceBlanche #VanessaParadis

Turns out the new Doctor Who companion Varada Sethu will not replace the 'current' one but be in addition to her in the 2025 series. And I say 'current' in quotes because that 2024 series also still has to start for real (in May).

They say she played previously in Hard Sun, which I saw six years ago, so now I've got to try to remember what character that was.

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in reply to Gidi Kroon

Her showreel is good though. Also helped me remember who she was in Hard Sun. I liked her, I quoted her character back when I was still doing that on Tumblr (now on @randomlinesfromtvandfilm ):…

She was also in Doctor Foster in a small role, but I remember liking that one.

Get yourself an actress who can do both...

The new series of Beyond Paradise has a new actress (Melina Sinadinou) that I didn't know before. As you can see in the first photo (from her Instagram) she seems totally my type. Weird is very ok for me... But maybe for others the second photo (her professional headshot from Spotlight by Harry Livingstone) is more conventionally convincing?

They're advertising the series to start on BBC First this Monday 21h00. But it already runs on BBC One and I caught a glimpse. Her character seems interesting and she's worth watching for the acting too.

#MelinaSinadinou #BeyondParadise

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Extreme close-up of an eye

I found this last photo in such extreme resolution that you can see the photographer taking the photo reflected in her eyes. Proves that the twinkle in her eye is not photoshopped!

Hi Harry!

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Apologies to people on Mastodon that are using software that doesn't hide images in posts that clearly have a content warning set. I did try.

The Wednesday blu-ray doesn't have the "[barely restrained seething]" subtitle... That's a Netflix-only feature... The disc has the much less inspired "[breath trembling]". It's not all advantages to owning the disc...

I loved how that subtitle captured Jenna's Wednesday.
#Wednesday #JennaOrtega

in reply to Gidi Kroon

I can't wait for season two! But I'll have to...

It's a shame Emma didn't get to use her werewolf training this season, maybe next? Wednesday got knocked unconscious a disconcerting amount of times, it's a good thing she has Goody now, might help with the healing.

It's weird how they seemed to have special events every single day, Harvest Festival, Outreach Day, Poe Cup, Raven Dance, Parents Day, etc. Hardly any actual lessons seemed to be happening. Still, instead of more school, I'm hoping for the next season to be set outside the school. And have more Goody Addams, I like a powerful witch.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

This weekend marked 30 years since the start of the Rwandan genocide, one of the darkest chapters in African history.

Some 800,000 Tutsis and Hutu moderates were massacred during 100 days of bloodshed by Hutu extremist militias, before rebels from the mostly Tutsi RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front) seized the capital and ended the slaughter.

The then RPF rebel commander and now President of Rwanda Paul Kagame, held a ceremony over the weekend, honoring the victims.

in reply to Zecharias Zelalem

One factor of the Rwandan genocide that scholars point out for its critical role in enabling the slaughter, is the dehumanizing rhetoric that targeted the Tutsi people. This was highlighted at the ceremony over the weekend.

I'm trying to wonder how Abiy Ahmed, who made headlines throughout the 2020ies for his dehumanizing rhetoric, referring to his foes as "hyenas," "cancer" or "weeds" in violent public and social media outbursts, must have felt hearing that part.

in reply to Zecharias Zelalem Dilman Dila reshared this.

"Siyad Arts," a pen name for a Somali political cartoonist, one of the most prominent in the Horn of Africa, produced this drawing today and captioned it:

"The irony of it all. Abiy, Ethiopia's dictator and genocider commemorating Rwanda's genocide against the Tutsi while the effects of his own genocide against Tigrayans can still be seen."

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

Highway to Hell and Starway to Heaven imply that Hell is a car-centric dystopia and Heaven is a walkable community

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They managed to make geoblocking of films even more irritating: I get a specific mail from Amazon Prime Video, telling me that Finestkind with Jenna Ortega is now available for rent. That's great, because I still want to see it, since Paramount+/SkyShowtime is not carrying that film in my country.

I go to their page, only to be met with the popup that this film is not available in my location.

Then why send me that email?!

Anyway, dear Americans, Finestkind is available for rent in your country!
#Finestkind #JennaOrtega

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

"We value your privacy" they always say. It's just never followed by an offer indicating just how much they value it.

Look, does anyone want to just buy all of my data? Rather than going through all this rigmarole, spending billions on AI, looking for ways to catch me out or circumvent Data Protection laws. It's probably all out there anyway. Just shut down all of your expensive projects, slip me a couple of million pounds and I'll tell you anything you want to know. It'll save you a fortune. Straight from the source. Locally sourced, organic and artisanal data. Fairtrade data.

Ben :bc: reshared this.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

"we value your privacy" is followed by "this is how we are going to violate your privacy"

Saw Miller's Girl again in the cinema (who knows when I'll see it again) and again of course impressed by Jenna Ortega. Wrote about it with major spoilers in the next post (copied from letterboxd).
#JennaOrtega #MillersGirl
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Major spoilers for Miller's Girl (2024). Don't read if you haven't seen it.
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This is why public transport is not taking off in my country. And these two cities even both have a train station. By car: 26 minutes. By public transport: 1 hour and 41 minutes.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

this is what you get. lol. progress :P comic Credit:
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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Chloë Grace Moretz will film Oh. What. Fun., which they somewhat compare to one of my favourite films Home for the Holidays.…
#ChloëGraceMoretz #OhWhatFun

Corina Bradley's series Hotel Cocaine will be on MGM+ in just over two months.

Miranda Cosgrove's film Mother of the Bride is on Netflix 9 May.

Katie Douglas's film Lazareth is out 10 May.
#CorinaBradley #MirandaCosgrove #KatieDouglas #HotelCocaine #MotherOfTheBride #Lazareth

in reply to Gidi Kroon

MGM got bought by Amazon (killing the new Stargate series in the process), so maybe it's just a section of Prime video that you pay extra for?
in reply to StarkRG

That is exactly what it is, thank you. I couldn't find it in the list of channels Amazon was trying to sell me, but it turns out that was (surprise surprise) because I'm already subscribed to it! It used to be called differently, StarzPlay I think, and got renamed.

Now if they only had Paramount+ too in my country like they do in most places...

When the cc's accumulate.

Outlook: warning, this email will be sent to 34 recipients.
Me: you're right, I'm missing some people.

The blu-ray for Wednesday arrived today! On Wednesday. Starting my umpteenth watch-through.

With recently the great experience of watching Miller's Girl on the big screen and now eight episodes of brilliance to see, these are really Jenna days...

#JennaOrtega #Wednesday

in reply to Gidi Kroon

We're getting the full opening credits in episode one. I think on Netflix we only got them on two episodes and not the first one. Or do I misremember?

Edit: I do misremember. Episode two has the shortened opening credits.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Gidi Kroon

We all know the level of detail Jenna puts in her performances, for Wednesday she got formal fencing and cello training, but on her Instagram posts of that time you can see she also had a mechanical typewriter in her apartment back in Romania. In this opening episode Wednesday is very comfortable typing her novel on the old typewriter, but doesn't really know how to work the keyboard of Enid's laptop.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

A few years ago I realized that more companies need to let engineers have some money to contribute to OSS. Say a percent or two of their salary that they can give to free software that is used by the company.

This would help fund software, help get rid of the bureaucracy (don't have to justify it, etc), and put the money where it's likely most needed.

They likely know which projects are under funded or critical to the company.


in reply to John-Mark Gurney

> Say a percent or two of their salary that they can give to free software that is used by the company.

think of it like the 401k match and then an additional "benefit" of a few % on top of that which you can direct into open source projects of your choosing? That sounds interesting

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

If you see a long German or Swedish word, first of all, don't panic. It's more scared of you than you are of it. Secondly, take a closer look and you'll see it's actually just three normal words in a trenchcoat, huddling together to deter predators (French and English).

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

I guess the takeaway from the xz backdoor situation is:

If you’re an open-source project maintainer, and somebody starts getting on your case for not doing enough free work for them, you reply “big Jia Tan energy there” and then block them forever.

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in reply to Craig Maloney ☕

I was introduced to @craigmaloney via Open Metalcast, an excellent podcast featuring CC works at the heavy guitar end of music, which he put out regularly for many years. I never met Craig in person, yet I feel I knew him and I mourn his passing.

My sincere condolences to his family and everyone who was close to him.

in reply to Craig Maloney ☕

I can't believe that I missed this announcement! I was wondering why I hadn't seen him post anything in awhile... It was Craig's invite that got me into Octodon and I'll be forever grateful for the introduction to this wonderful ecosystem. I was always happy to see his posts show up in my feed. We shared a lot of the same takes on various things related to tech. RIP king. Been missing you! 😟

in reply to David Revoy

so sorry to hear this and also so late. My condolences to family and friends. ❤️

Dafne Keen as Jecki Lon in The Acolyte can be seen in these first look photos of the character in Entertainment Weekly, together with an interview where Dafne talks about the character, how she played her, and that the horns made hugging anyone on set a safety hazard.…

#DafneKeen #TheAcolyte

in reply to Gidi Kroon

She sounds like a really interesting character and I have full faith that Dafne makes her amazing. The trailer suggested the role is small though, but I hope we get to really explore this character. After all, I'm not a Star Wars person, I would be watching it solely for Dafne.

Also sharing the blog post by Cory Doctorow related to the latest reshared post, since it is in itself interesting and goes beyond the mentioned article, and because the attached thread seems to be broken:…

Interesting insight in what businesses and investors are hoping AI will do and what AI can do and how these don't match.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

Here's a fun AI story: a security researcher noticed that large companies' AI-authored source-code repeatedly referenced a nonexistent library (an AI "hallucination"), so he created a (defanged) malicious library with that name and uploaded it, and thousands of developers automatically downloaded and incorporated it as they compiled the code:…


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in reply to Cory Doctorow AFK TIL MID-SEPT

> Lanyado also said that there was a Hugging Face-owned project that incorporated the fake huggingface-cli, but that was removed after he alerted the biz.


Gidi Kroon reshared this.

The fine folks at akkoma released a security update that fixes some things with the diverse ways of putting stuff on your domain (uploads, stolen emoji, mediaproxy). Some of those patches will make it into Pleroma too, but for now:

RUN UPLOADS AND MEDIA PROXY ON A DIFFERENT SUBDOMAIN. That prevents any impersonation issues.

We will drop any support for same-domain setups in the near future, it's just not worth the risk.

Check out the information provided by akkoma for details and more fine grained mitigation steps:…

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Nice of the bad actor to use the same github account for the other projects they affected...

Orphan Black Echoes will be released on 23 June.…

I'm so surprised by the people in the comments saying they have already seen it last year and are waiting for season two. How? Also this looks like it's US only, so I won't be able to see it?
#OrphanBlack #OrphanBlackEchoes

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

xz vulnerability summary:

- Affected versions: 5.5.1alpha, 5.6.0, 5.6.1
- Fixed version: revert to a 5.4.x build
- Affected distros: including but not limited to Debian testing & unstable, Ubuntu 24.04 (not yet released), Fedora 41 & Rawhide, Gentoo, homebrew
- Mitigation: Red Hat recommends you cease using any affected systems, and only redeploy once patched versions are available. Debian recommends upgrading ASAP.

More info:……

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Gidi Kroon reshared this.

🚨 ⚠️ Emergency PSA: A critical security exploit was discovered in the xz package recently, used for compression and decompression on nearly all Linux distributions.

Rawhide users ARE impacted and should immediately STOP using Rawhide until the package update is fully rolled back. (1/3)

Security Advisory:…

#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource #Security #Privacy

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in reply to Fedora Project

The vulnerability may be present in Fedora 40 but it is not believed to be activated. Fedora 40 users are advised to use caution and update their systems soon when the rolled-back version is available, for more certainty.

Fedora 39 and 38 users are not impacted. (2/3)

Security Advisory:…

#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource #Security #Privacy

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Fedora Project

More details available from Red Hat's blog on the vulnerability. A special, huge thank-you to our first responders and Fedora friends who have been working long hours to address this issue in top-priority. We couldn't do it without you all! 💪 (3/3)

Security Advisory:…

#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource #Security #Privacy

in reply to Fedora Project

I'm in Fedora 40 Beta, I seem to only have xz 5.4.6, and I did do an update this morning. So I don't seem to be affected.
in reply to Fedora Project

Thanks to everyone involved in resolving this huge mess.

Do I understand correctly that Fedora 40 is assumed to be unaffected, because xz 5.6.0 had been built with --disable-ifunc since March 04?…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Fedora Project

that or you can update the xz package and force reboot the system. Although generally doing option 1 would be safer.

Just back from Miller's Girl in the cinema, seeing Jenna Ortega on the big screen is such an amazing experience!
#JennaOrtega #MillersGirl
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

A series of decisions were made at Mini which resulted in what is unambiguously the worst indicator design of all time. It is so bad that after seeing it on the street, I just had to post about it here.

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Gidi Kroon reshared this.

Rockin' my Sunshine Cyber Con keynote!

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

me, learning about about the atomic age: man it's so goofy they tried to use radioactivity for everything.


every tech company i've ever interacted with: We've added AI to our product!