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was briefly baffled by this CAPTCHA until i realized it was asking me to identify the animal that was bigger than the other animals in the picture, not the animal that, in real life, is bigger than roughly 1cm

we are rapidly approaching the point at which CAPTCHAs clever enough to keep the bots out are too confusing for the humans

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in reply to Molly White

Oh, it has always identified me as a bot. May the person who invented it and those who implement it find a nice, cosy place in hell together. ;)
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Molly White

I already had that CAPTCHA, it was a series of AI generated dice where I had to perform maths based on their numbers within X seconds over 10 rounds just to submit a ticket with GitHub. I failed numerous times.
in reply to Molly White

The stamped-tin ceiling behend them all is very likely bigger than any of them.🤷
in reply to Molly White

I dunno, I've seen some pretty big crabs out there. And why are there three in the picture? 🦀🦀🦀
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Molly White

would tht not be panda in real life? I'm super confused. Also sounds like an accessibility nightmair as what if your disability does not allow you to desern the difference for example.
in reply to Sarah A

@ke7zum i was confused because all of these animals are bigger than ~1cm in real life
in reply to Molly White

Oh? I thought the panda was huge, ginormous. lol!
in reply to Molly White

Maybe it’s just me, but I feel we passed that point several years ago.
in reply to Molly White

soon we will require iris scan instead of CAPTCHA to access sites 😂
in reply to Molly White

3 types of crabs?

The person who designed this one is telling on themselves

in reply to Molly White

...why are there three different kinds of crabs?

Also some crabs get very very large.

in reply to Molly White

I got my first one of these recently, the wording was so weird ("which of these is man made" when all the choices look like AI art) it took me a second to realize that there was a picture of a car or building in amongst the weird AI animals.
in reply to Molly White

I suspect that whoever wrote the captcha text didn't stop to consider choice of words, quite possibly not even realising that there'd be a problem.

Your description, @molly0xffff, tells me that s/bigger/biggest/ would be appropriate.

in reply to Molly White

But I'm sure there's an AI that could help you with that?
Never mind.
in reply to Molly White

This is wild!

I've written about the ridiculousness of CAPTCHAs and how they're an accessibility nightmare. Most things that claim to distinguish humans from computers are really just separating users into groups of "desirable" and "undesirable."

If anything, this mosaic of blurry animal jpegs and confusing instructions just makes that categorization even more obvious.

What a time to be alive 🙃

in reply to Molly White

“bigger” is the wrong word. That implies what you thought…each bigger than its image. “Biggest” would have communicated to compare real-life sizes. It’s a kind of misplaced (assumed) pronoun problem.
in reply to Molly White

I'm genuinely wondering if we've reached the point where the assessment goes along the lines of "oh they got it wrong. Probs human."
in reply to Molly White

It's 2028 and, unable to separate the green and purple connections, I give up on trying to purchase concert tickets.
in reply to Molly White

covid-brain studies suggest we may already be at that point ...
in reply to Molly White

Ya know, some have made the tongue in cheek joke we should have an IQ test to post on the internet. Looks like we might've backed into that one.
in reply to Molly White

few days ago I was not able to pass the Dalle-E captcha, I was not able to understand what it was asking.
I had to align an hammer in the same direction of an hand, both of them oriented vertically. I know it sounds like it make no sense, but it was!

It took me 4 tries before understand

in reply to Molly White has some interesting results...
in reply to Molly White

Can't they stop pretending and just straightly ask us to pick a potential drone strike target to pass CAPTCHA?
in reply to Molly White

The thing that's casting that shadow on the wall looks really big...
in reply to Molly White

thinking it might have been clearer if they had asked which was animal was biggest in real life.
But don't get me started on catchpas that assume the rest of the world are familiar with USA road furniture.
in reply to Molly White

There will be a brief period of uncertainty while all CAPTCHAs are reconfigured so that failure indicates the user is human.
in reply to Molly White

Apparently many captchas don't really test human reasoning ability, but instead measure the subtle human imprecision in things like pointer movements. They just need you to fire a few trusted events via a HID, then apply some heuristics.
in reply to Molly White

Honestly surprised they haven't gone with the anti-captcha yet.

Make a test that a bot can pass immediately but a human fails, like some patch of noise that does well in adversarial attacks.

If you win, you're a bot.

in reply to Molly White

That is confusing. I saw the same captcha earlier today but it only ever showed two different animals types - and only once instance of the panda, which was also my correct-answer-animal - so “bigger” made a little more sense.
in reply to Molly White

Saw it for the first time yesterday—and had to do it twice in the same session despite getting it right!
in reply to Molly White

I dunno, that sounds a whole lot like something a bot would say...
in reply to Molly White

we're getting to that bear-proof garbage cans in national parks that humans often struggle to open level.
in reply to Molly White

Today I've had a spate of failing multiple CAPTCHA pictures EVEN WHEN I KNOW I AM CORRECT !
in reply to Molly White

I disagree that we are approaching that point. We are well past that point. I can't penetrate most capchas. Haven't been able to for several years now.
in reply to Molly White

This has already happened to me, tried to sign into my PlayStation account I haven't used for years for some reason and after trying multiple times with their wild captcha I just gave up.
in reply to Molly White

I have been approaching, and have now reached, the point where I close the page and go elsewhere when I see this shit. 😏
in reply to Molly White

it's jokes aren't good, but as long as it can identify the animal, pretty sure an LLM has got this
in reply to Molly White

with the amount of content you create, you might actually be a robot.
in reply to Molly White

We're well past they point, research consistently shows that computers are more accurate and faster than humans at solving captchas.
in reply to Molly White

I'm just tired of wasting my time training their AI. Just build more secure systems & stop making it my problem.
in reply to Molly White

I see the problem here but, tangentially, maybe this will make people learn little more about nature? 😂

"Siri, what is the biggest crab species on earth and is it bigger than a panda?"

in reply to Molly White

I had a similar experience recently:

Well, this is a new type of Captcha I hadn't seen before. Problem is, in their attempt to defeat the bots, they also defeated me. I see two fish, an elephant, a horse, and two...blobby things? I'd guess one of the blobby things is the correct answer to the "created by humans" question, but darned if I know which. So I guess there's a 50% chance I'm not human. No surprise there.
in reply to Molly White

"If soy sauce is umami, don't not click the rainbow lorikeet otherwise click the eastern rosella"