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Stephanie Leonidas is filming a new film called Marching Powder. She just posted photos from the set.

IMDb says her film A Very Venice Romance was released last year (it doesn't list as available for me) and 5lbs of Pressure is still to come.
#StephanieLeonidas #MarchingPowder

Miranda Cosgrove just announced that her film Mother of the Bride will be on Netflix globally on 9 May!

#MirandaCosgrove #MotherOfTheBride

US people: reminder that Miller's Girl, a film with Jenna Ortega in the lead role, is in your theaters tomorrow. I think it's going to be a good one!

For people in NL like me, we wait until 14 March.
#JennaOrtega #MillersGirl

Just watched Jodie Foster, Nastassja Kinski and Amanda Plummer in Hotel New Hampshire; so great having these three talented actresses in the same film!
#JodieFoster #NastassjaKinski #AmandaPlummer #HotelNewHampshire

Going to see Emilia Clarke. Not in person, she will be on a big screen. The Pod Generation is finally arrived in my country (NL). Release this Thursday, but prereleases all over the country this week.

Looked great in the trailer and it's always great to see Emilia.
#EmiliaClarke #ThePodGeneration

in reply to Gidi Kroon

in reply to Gidi Kroon

So many people in reviews annoyed that the film raises questions but doesn't provide answers and I'm annoyed at those reviews. Firstly, films don't have to provide answers, you can think for yourself, after the film explored the concepts. Secondly, I think this film does provide the answers, just not in an obviously hammered home way where the plot literally gives the answer, but the conclusions the film makers draw are clear from how it affects the characters. I didn't know film watchers had gotten so lazy.

Also there's a mid-credits scene about the big tech aspect, so don't go running to the toilet just yet.

More India Eisley, now in Kite. I know nothing of the anime it's supposedly based on...
#IndiaEisley #Kite #NowWatching
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Based on the kind of story you'd expect this film to be cheesier than it is. Instead, India Eisley acts her character Sawa so realistically, it's as if a real-life young assassin with amnesia has stumbled upon the film set and is trying to make sense of the clues she finds, hell-bent on exacting revenge on things in her past she can't quite remember. Some other bits of the film may live up more to the original expectation.

I disagree with the blu-ray cover image's suggestion that she doesn't play the lead character. But big names and all that.
#IndiaEisley #Kite

Last weekend Jenna Ortega's film Miller's Girl had its festival premiere and 26 January it will have its theatrical release. Good news is that we in the Netherlands don't need to wait too long this time: Thursday 14 March it will be in our cinemas!…
#JennaOrtega #MillersGirl

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Absolutely great acting and a really interesting film too. So many things to think about...
#IndiaEisley #LookAway
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Such mixed reactions to this film when I check afterwards what people write about it. Really a love it or hate it thing. The difference seems to be that if you expect this teenage horror to be a teenage horror, you'll be disappointed since it's a psychological film with great cinematography instead.

Doing the thing that I do: watching a film I know nothing about with an actress I hardly know anything about. Sasha Lane was with Chloë Grace Moretz in the film The Miseducation of Cameron Post and she seemed interesting enough to watch American Honey in which she is the lead, or at least front and center on the poster.
#SashaLane #AmericanHoney…

in reply to Gidi Kroon

It's more of an atmospheric film than a story and I like that. It's just not clear from the beginning that it's going to be like that, so for a while I was waiting for something to start happening. Many independent things happen, but none are really what the film is about.

The atmosphere is not unlike Mouth by Mouth, but that one is a bit more extreme.

I really liked the performance by Sasha Lane. She plays someone who never really fits in, but who also doesn't know where she would fit in. Someone who had she been born in a different family, would have led a totally different life.

I didn't realise before how much I dislike the brainwashing lyrics of sexually explicit rap music.
#AmericanHoney #SashaLane

All great inventions start with a lack of cheese.

This first Wallace & Gromit is so old it's in 4x3. They run out of cheese and naturally plan a trip to the Moon on A Grand Day Out.

I'm excited for this film: Jenna Ortega's Miller's Girl will be in theatres 26 January, after being in a film festival earlier that month. Sounds like a difficult story that can fully use (and showcase) her acting talents.…

#JennaOrtega #MillersGirl

I just watched Nimona on Netflix with the voice of Chloë Grace Moretz. Firstly Chloë is really good at putting character in the performance using only her voice. Secondly: it's a really good story!
#ChloëGraceMoretz #Nimona

No point watching, or even making, Scream 7, now that Jenna Ortega will not be in it due to scheduling conflicts.…

Wednesday season one took eight months to film, she's doing season two soon, so there's just no time fitting in a seventh Scream. Apparently this was already being discussed before the strike began.
#JennaOrtega #Scream #Wednesday

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Finestkind with Jenna Ortega, 15 December is getting close. On Paramount+.

#JennaOrtega #Finestkind

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Happy Birthday, Jodie Foster! She turns 61 today. To celebrate I'm watching Nyad, a new film with her which is available on Netflix.
#JodieFoster #Nyad #NowWatching
in reply to Gidi Kroon

It's based on true events, which isn't a film genre I like, but it's worth a watch anyway I think.

Apparently the actors union SAG-AFTRA and the studios have reached a tentative deal, which means the strike is over. No details yet, but hopefully it properly rewards and protects those who we see and admire on screen even when we're streaming.…

New promo photo of Jenna Ortega for the upcoming film Finestkind, posted by their Instagram account.

Yeah, Jenna is a real standout even when she's sitting...
#JennaOrtega #Finestkind

Watching Child's Play (1988), a.k.a. that Chucky film, since other than part of the recent tv series I haven't seen any of the films yet and they're around seven films into the franchise already.

Rewatching Dark Places because I recorded it off tv recently and it has Chloë Grace Moretz in it somewhere. Though you have to wait until 30 minutes into the film for her to show up, but then it instantly feels less dreary.

I can't quite remember the story from the first time I saw it, except maybe that it was indeed 'dark'. Chloë did much dark stuff in her youth (in films I mean).
#ChloëGraceMoretz #DarkPlaces

More news about A24's Death of a Unicorn that stars Jenna Ortega:… . It has wrapped and Jenna is executive producer.
#JennaOrtega #DeathOfAUnicorn

Now watching Karen Gillan twice in Dual. I haven't seen this before but from what I gather the premise of this film is that in some sci-fi future, before someone dies, they can have their whole being copied into a new body. Karen's character is in that situation and does that, but then she doesn't die but her copy also doesn't want to go away. Karen plays both the original and the copy.

Karen Gillan is of course known as one of the great companions from Doctor Who: Amy. (There have been many... Clara, Rose, Martha, Yaz, Ace...)
#KarenGillan #Dual

in reply to Gidi Kroon

This film is different in a good way. You have preconceptions about what it will be like, then it isn't that. You watch it and think how it's going to develop, then it doesn't go there. Then you think surely it's going to end this way, then again it doesn't.

Just saw a film with Klariza Clayton called Fox Trap or Don't Blink depending on where you live. It's an ok horror slasher and I enjoyed it. It could have used more Klariza though. I seem to remember her once posting something like 'don't blink or you'll miss me' even before it was renamed to Don't Blink, but I may remember that wrong.
#KlarizaClayton #FoxTrap #DontBlink

Trailer for Finestkind is on YouTube. The film will be on Paramount+ from 15 December. The great thing: Jenna Ortega is in it!…
#JennaOrtega #Finestkind

Just saw Pearl, the prequel to X, and it's quite a good film. It's not a prequel in the traditional sense, but something they made on the back of filming X while they were at that location anyway. Basically it seems like after the actress playing Pearl and the director had worked out the backstory, they figured why not film it.

There's an amazing monologue in that film, as well as other great things.

Interesting that they basically put the whole cast and crew of X in the thanks session in the credits here, acknowledging how connected making these films were. (So yeah, technically Jenna is in the Pearl credits)

Yasmin Paige is an actress I wish I'd hear more about. She did some great things. She was in the Doctor Who spinoff The Sarah Jane Adventures as Maria and also in Pramface and the film Submarine. She was the reason I watched Ballet Shoes, a film with the very talented trio of Yasmin, Emma Watson (yes, the Hermione) and Lucy Boyton (who I've recently seen is still very good). I saw her first in The Mysti Show (yes, I knew Maria before TSJA).

Now I'm watching this film from that same early time, Tooth. Her name may not be on the cover, but she is as the title character, presumably a young tooth fairy. I like how sparkly this cover is! It changes colour with the light falling on it differently.

#YasminPaige #Tooth #NowWatching

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in reply to Gidi Kroon

Yasmin is instantly great as the rather un-fairy toothfairy Tooth, as is Sally as the mother of the family that could use some more money in these days before Christmas than the pennies provided for her kids' teeth. Or the half eaten sandwich found under the pillow, since Tooth is careless like that.
#Tooth #YasminPaige #SallyPhillips

Dafne Keen is going to be in a film called Whistle. She just posted a screenshot of what I think is a Deadline article announcing it, but when I look for it I can't find it (and the rss feed didn't show it up either). So no link, no further details, just the title.
#DafneKeen #Whistle

I have so many alerts set with JustWatch, to notify me when something I want to watch is finally available in my country, but mostly they remain silent. Just now, however, I got the notification that Women Talking is on Amazon. A film with Jessie Buckley and Claire Foy, how can you not want to see it. Watching it now.
#ClaireFoy #JessieBuckley #WomenTalking #NowWatching
in reply to Gidi Kroon

It's a really impressive film. The women of a religious colony discuss their options after generations of abuse by the men. These discussions go deep into matters of morality, religion and personality. I like that the film has as narrator/pov a young girl who isn't just the observer but who the writer allows to be more involved and occasionally inject into the discussions things like 'why are you making it so complicated!'. The character played by Claire Foy has some really fiery dialogue and it's not often that a film throws you against the back of your seat by the sheer fire of the lines and their performance, and the truth of them.

Regarding content warning you need to know that, even though the abuse is never shown on screen, the aftermath is (sometimes rather graphically) and the level of abuse discussed is of an extreme sexual nature, targeting women and very young children.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Spoilers for Women Talking
It happens more often that a young girl is used as point of view, where she represents the next generation that is as of yet unaffected and can still be saved by changing the world. Of course I could have known that wouldn't be the case in this film. The moment it was mentioned that a child of four years old was abused, you realised that our pov would also not have escaped the horrors, something the end of the film makes even clearer. But maybe the very beginning, where the film is narrated 'to her daughter' should already have told us enough.

I have the disc of Underworld: Blood Wars in my to-watch stack and I think I better check where in the series this one fits before I watch it. Because I'm lost. I skipped the non-Kate Beckinsale ones, that I do know.
#KateBeckinsale #UnderworldBloodWars #Underworld
in reply to Gidi Kroon

This is the last one in the franchise, it's possible I find out why. (There are some final seasons of tv series where you realise they really had to stop)
in reply to Gidi Kroon

It's a bit light on storytelling and on characterisation, but entertaining enough.

Maybe the "Dawn Alert!" over the PA system of the vampire coven was the best bit.

Selene does so much pining for her daughter Eve and others do so much searching for her, that maybe they should rewatch Underworld: Awakening and see India Eisley as Eve. Somehow the memory of that performance is what underpins this film.

Finestkind will have its premiere at TIFF any moment now, but you can already watch a scene courtesy of this Deadline article. It features Jenna Ortega and like everything she does it's immediately captivating and intense. They say it's going to be on Paramount+ in November.
#JennaOrtega #Finestkind
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Now rewatching AnnaSophia Robb in the film Bridge to Terabithia.

I really like this film. I keep changing what I would mention as my favourite film (I have a list) but a long time ago the subject of favourite film came up at work and a colleague of mine and me at the same time said Bridge to Terabithia. Which is such an odd thing to happen, as it's not even that that many people have even heard of this film...

I'd say this film isn't that much underrated, as just not rated because it is quite unknown.

Anyway, AnnaSophia Robb is brilliant.

#AnnaSophiaRobb #BridgeToTerabithia #NowWatching

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in reply to Gidi Kroon

You'd expect Zooey to be credited in the music section of the film, and she is. She plays the music teacher after all. But AnnaSophia is too! The music video on the extras is even her song.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Bridge To Terabithia (2007) major spoiler
It is a really sad film in the end due to the sudden twist. But this is actually autobiographical for the writer of the book it is based on, and for her son who is the screenwriter here. It was him who when 8 years old suddenly lost his best friend, which then gave the mother the impossible task of helping him make sense of it. So she wrote a book about it. And he much later made a film of it.

This may be relevant to the strike as the article points out. I think if Netflix were to create a film by replacing writers and actors with AI, we would be legally allowed to copy it.

“Artificial Intelligence Lawsuit: AI-Generated Art Not Copyrightable – The Hollywood Reporter”

This was exceedingly unlikely to go any other way as US law is pretty settled on this.…

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I like the story better than the biopic...

Also interesting how part of the biopic touches upon misusing the name of famous people by publishers, then the film has Maisie Williams in a tiny role so they can use her fame.

I'm watching 'Amélie', or Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain in full, a film with Audrey Tautou. I've seen it long ago, but when I later bought it on dvd from a Belgian shop, it was with French subtitles only. Now I have the blu-ray and it has Dutch subtitles, which should help in my understanding of what they're saying.
#AudreyTautou #Amélie #LeFabuleuxDestinDAméliePoulain
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Films are full with the kind of people that answer a phone ringing in a phone box.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

It's a fun quirky film, reminded me in some parts of Gregory's Girl though it's of course completely different.

At several moments in the film I caught myself thinking 'why is she like that' but then I realised we're all like that.

Today Emilia Clarke's new film The Pod Generation is available in cinemas, somewhere in the world, I didn't get where. Maybe UK, maybe US. Thursday 24 August it comes out in Dutch cinemas!

#EmiliaClarke #ThePodGeneration

in reply to Gidi Kroon

I tried to look for a ticket today in my country, but it turns out to not be released after all. There's no new date other than what seems like a placeholder date of 31 December 2023. I was looking forward to seeing Emilia Clarke on the big screen. Anyway, I have set a notification alert on that film.

Why do film companies always do this? They complain that they can't make enough money from people going to see the films, then when people do want to see the films they make it impossible to see them. I can't pay for a ticket if they don't sell them.
#ThePodGeneration #EmiliaClarke #FilmIndustryGripe

Finestkind, a new film with Jenna Ortega, will premiere in Toronto at TIFF 2023, according to the film's Instagram post and this Deadline article. As does this The Hollywood Reporter article, which also mentions the festival runs 7-17 September.
#JennaOrtega #Finestkind
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An interesting aspect of the US actors strike is that if an independent film accepts the union's proposal, work is allowed there. The same goes for small studios that are not part of the producers organisation with the abbreviation that I can never get right. The idea is that this proves that the union proposal is not unreasonable as the producers claim.

The studio A24 has done just that. Not recently, already a while ago, but this means A24 films are going full steam ahead. Providing income and proving the point. And the coming years may very well be A24's years, since the majority of films out will be theirs. Quite a good consequence of all this.
#A24 #SAGAftra #SAGAftraStrike

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Now, again, watching the brilliance that is Jenna Ortega in The Fallout. I hope she makes many more films like this. I don't care whether they are super famous film franchises or relatively unknown indies like this, I'll watch it anyway. I'm watching it from my dvd (only a US region coded dvd is available, no blu-ray, no European disc).
#JennaOrtega #TheFallout #NowWatching
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Now watching Scream VI in 4k from my disc. I saw it in the cinema when it came out and watching Jenna Ortega in this film was such an experience, she's so good. But when has she ever not been at the top of her game? Never. What also stood out to me about this film is that it's a horror with properly fleshed out characters, with everybody doing a good job.
#JennaOrtega #ScreamVI #Scream6 #Scream #NowWatching…
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#NowWatching The Gathering with Christina Ricci. I liked this film and Christina's performance when I saw it a long time ago, but I don't remember much about it. It's difficult to find as it's not on any of the streaming services, but I found a dvd.
#ChristinaRicci #TheGathering…

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in reply to Gidi Kroon

Interesting concept, I had forgotten about that. Dark, even for a horror film.