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If your world view consists of white cowboy hats and black cowboy hats you may want to check whether your white cowboy hats aren't just black cowboy hats that have been spray painted white.

Pinned post, about following from multiple addresses

Hi, when I follow someone I usually do this from multiple accounts, with different servers and platforms. This is partially as backup. It’s also because different software has different features. E.g. at the moment of writing I mainly post from my Friendica server, but it doesn’t yet support polls, or account migrations. So I also follow from my Pleroma server, which does notify me someone has migrated.

I also sometimes use platforms that support nomadic identity, that allows my channels on multiple servers to be synced. From software that doesn’t support that, a follow request looks like multiple separate requests from those channels.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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This entry was edited (2 years ago)

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Continuing the rewatch of Alexa Nisenson ( centered episodes of "Fear The Walking Dead", with her choice for season five: "Skidmark" (5x04). It's the episode where her character seems to be in quite some danger which she needs to face alone, but in real Charlie style she's very cool about it. Also yet again an episode where Alexa shows she can have a real connection with another actor and spark of each other. I don't mean the cat, though the cat has a starring role too...
#AlexaNisenson #FearTheWalkingDead #Skidmark
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Rewatched some other standout episodes as well (Ner Tamid, Close Your Eyes, In Dreams). That's jumping through the seasons a bit, but all amazing acting performances by Alexa Nisenson, Alycia Debnam-Carey and Karen David. They sure can occasionally write material in which people can shine. Goosebumps inducing all around.
#AlexaNisenson #AlyciaDebnamCarey #KarenDavid #FearTheWalkingDead

People in the US and the UK can now see the Charlie-centric episode Mourning Cloak of Fear The Walking Dead (7x10). For me that's going to be another couple of months if not a year. In yesterday's Insta-takeover Alexa Nisenson (who plays Charlie) revealed what her favourite episodes of each season were to film: 7x10 Mourning Cloak, 6x07 Damage From The Inside, 5x04 Skidmark and 4x10 Close Your Eyes. I've watched the latter many times already and can concur that it's a great episode, as are the others she mentions, though 5x12 Ner Tamid is a classic too.

Since I can't watch season 7, but want to mark the occasion anyway, I'll be rewatching these other episodes. In reverse order. Starting with session 6's Damage From The Inside.
#AlexaNisenson #FearTheWalkingDead

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

It's also a great episode if you love Alycia Debnam-Carey, which I do.