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Pinned post, about following from multiple addresses

Hi, when I follow someone I usually do this from multiple accounts, with different servers and platforms. This is partially as backup. It’s also because different software has different features. E.g. at the moment of writing I mainly post from my Friendica server, but it doesn’t yet support polls, or account migrations. So I also follow from my Pleroma server, which does notify me someone has migrated.

I also sometimes use platforms that support nomadic identity, that allows my channels on multiple servers to be synced. From software that doesn’t support that, a follow request looks like multiple separate requests from those channels.

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This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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Finally for #JennaBirthweekRewatch (I'm doing a week running from Sunday to Saturday apparently) of course Scream. Jenna performs her scenes of being the victim with such accuracy, that it becomes hard to watch: you actually see a girl in danger.
#JennaOrtega #ScreamMovie

Today in the #JennaBirthweekRewatch I finished watching The Babysitter: Killer Queen (it was late yesterday) and I'm now doing another episode of You season 2. #JennaOrtega steals that show.

Yesterday I also rewatched an episode of Richie Rich. She's so funny in it! And so tiny, this show was when she was very young...

For today's #JennaBirthweekRewatch I'm going to be a heretic and watch what I consider #JennaOrtega's best horror film: The Babysitter: Killer Queen. Not only is she one of the leads, the film also remains character-based whilst running from killers.

Today in the #JennaBirthweekRewatch : The Fallout on HBO Max. This is still the best film where Jenna as the lead shows how great a character actress she is. #JennaOrtega should be the lead in all films.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

That is a seriously good film, really my kind of film, the best. I wish all films were like that, good story, good characters, talented performance, with a heart, meaning. This is why I follow Jenna, because this is what she can do.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Of course for #JennaBirthweekRewatch I'll watch an episode of You season 2 as well. #JennaOrtega 's performance as Ellie was such a masterclass, grounded it and made it the best season.

This Tuesday #JennaOrtega has her 20th birthday and I'll be celebrating by (re)watching her films all week. To start #JennaBirthweekRewatch, the 4k collector's edition of X. #XMovie