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There's so much going on that I can't post disapproving posts for every single thing. So here's just one blanket one.

It's all wrong. You know, everything. All of it. Not just in the US, but it's happening, or starting to, everywhere. The rule of law is abandoned and people are shipped off to uncontrolled foreign prisons. People's right to be who they are is removed. Institutions to help and better other people are disbanded.

We need to get back to caring about other people. Care about the next generation's ability to get educated. No matter the skin colour, no matter the social class, care about whether people can buy food. Care about people getting a fair trial. Care about people whether they are your gender or not, or have the gender you think they have, or even have a gender.

Care about other people, no matter what kind of 'other' they are.

newsfeed reshared this.

If your world view consists of white cowboy hats and black cowboy hats you may want to check whether your white cowboy hats aren't just black cowboy hats that have been spray painted white.

Pinned post, about following from multiple addresses

Hi, when I follow someone I usually do this from multiple accounts, with different servers and platforms. This is partially as backup. It’s also because different software has different features. E.g. at the moment of writing I mainly post from my Friendica server, but it doesn’t yet support polls, or account migrations. So I also follow from my Pleroma server, which does notify me someone has migrated.

I also sometimes use platforms that support nomadic identity, that allows my channels on multiple servers to be synced. From software that doesn’t support that, a follow request looks like multiple separate requests from those channels.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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This entry was edited (2 years ago)

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Chloë Grace Moretz will film Oh. What. Fun., which they somewhat compare to one of my favourite films Home for the Holidays.…
#ChloëGraceMoretz #OhWhatFun

Happy Birthday Chloë Grace Moretz!

It's her 27th birthday and I'll be celebrating rewatching a recent film of hers, Shadow in the Cloud, from my 4k blu-ray. It's such a powerful performance!
#ChloëGraceMoretz #ShadowInTheCloud #BirthdayRewatch

in reply to Gidi Kroon

It's all Chloë Grace Moretz... This is such a thrill throughout to get such a masterclass acting performance...

Love the ending and what it says. (But telling would be spoilers)

in reply to Gidi Kroon

And she got to do her English accent again, which she so effectively used to trick the director of Hugo to hire her.

I just watched Nimona on Netflix with the voice of Chloë Grace Moretz. Firstly Chloë is really good at putting character in the performance using only her voice. Secondly: it's a really good story!
#ChloëGraceMoretz #Nimona

Rewatching Dark Places because I recorded it off tv recently and it has Chloë Grace Moretz in it somewhere. Though you have to wait until 30 minutes into the film for her to show up, but then it instantly feels less dreary.

I can't quite remember the story from the first time I saw it, except maybe that it was indeed 'dark'. Chloë did much dark stuff in her youth (in films I mean).
#ChloëGraceMoretz #DarkPlaces

HG = Hit Girl

Yes, I'm watching Kick Ass 2 again since Chloë Grace Moretz is so great in it. I think I can tell she does a lot of her own stunts too. This film focuses a lot more on her character and less on Kick Ass himself.
#ChloëGraceMoretz #KickAss2

The film Kick-Ass with Chloë Grace Moretz will be on BBC One tonight, for those who want to catch a recording without subtitles. 23:40 BST, 00:40 CEST.
#ChloëGraceMoretz #KickAss


Seemingly strike related, Variety reports that The Peripheral season two is not going ahead after all.
#ChloëGraceMoretz #ThePeripheral

Who cancels The Peripheral in the middle of The Jackpot?…

I don't know anything about baseball and I don't know whether it really was a strike as someone said, but if a celebrity first throw is at least caught by the catcher, I think it's a good thing. Well done Chloë. If I were to throw it it would go in such a random direction they wouldn't be able to find the ball again.

Instagram stories:……
#ChloëGraceMoretz #Mets

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

This Saturday the interesting Chloë Grace Moretz film Greta is on BBC One: 23:40 UK time, 00:40 CEST. Of course I have it on DVD already, but if you don't you can catch it.
#ChloëGraceMoretz #Greta
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Happy Birthday, Chloë!

Today Chloë Grace Moretz turns 26. I'll be rewatching The Miseducation of Cameron Post to celebrate!
#ChloëGraceMoretz #TheMiseducationOfCameronPost…

in reply to Gidi Kroon

The Miseducation of Cameron Post
Cameron is more of an observer character than the one stuff happens to, eventually she's the one best able to put things into words. That moment when she realises the therapists don't know what they're doing and how that coincides with the therapist himself realising it too, is so great.

The Peripheral season two has been announced, just in time for Chloë's birthday! Happy Birthday, Chloë Grace Moretz!
#ThePeripheral #ChloëGraceMoretz

#NowWatching Bad Neighbours 2 because it has Chloë Grace Moretz in it. This is a film of before she realigned her project choices and I'm only watching it for completeness. Or maybe it'll be fun. Anyway, I'm sure Chloë will be good as always.
#ChloëGraceMoretz #BadNeighbours2
in reply to Gidi Kroon

When you see a very unrealistic representation of university life, it's not clear whether it's because of it being a comedy or that we are supposed to think (American) university life is like that.

Also, a group of girls asserting their independence as a sorority by doing exactly what a guy tells them to do? I hope this becomes a plot point later on...

So far, every single character is not being true to themselves, but not really in a comedic way.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

A bit difficult to find something positive in this film. It seems to try to be a comedy with a feminist slant to it, but is at risk of only making fun of feminism. Maybe the resolution at the end is the only good thing, and of course that Chloë was indeed in it.

I had no idea Anjli Mohindra was also in The Peripheral! Did I forget she announced it, did she not announce it? Probably the former... There's so much news to remember. Anyway, I'm already watching it because Chloë Grace Moretz is the lead and it & she are great.
#ThePeripheral #AnjliMohindra #ChloëGraceMoretz

Kody Keir reshared this.

Chloë Grace Moretz interviewed by Wired based on autocomplete searches. Does she sing, play cello, speak foreign languages? Did Martin Scorsese think she's British? Short version in the quote-shared tweet, longer on YouTube.
#ChloëGraceMoretz #Wired #AutoCompleteInterview

Muay Thai, first-person shooter games, and vacation hotel room tattoos - @ChloeGMoretz is the kind of person we want to hang out with!

Watching Suspiria (2018) on blu-ray because it has Chloë Grace Moretz in it, even though she's not the lead. I had a chance to see it in a cinema once, but they literally had The Miseducation of Cameron Post (also with Chloë, but as the lead) playing on another screen, opposite the hallway, in the same cinema at the same time.

Could be scary though...
#ChloëGraceMoretz #Suspiria…

in reply to Gidi Kroon

It starts with Chloë though! And confusingly, since I play it from a German blu-ray after explicitly selecting the English sound track rather than the German dub, a lot of Chloë's dialogue is in German...
in reply to Gidi Kroon

It's a quiet confusing film, seemingly about the ever connected areas of witchcraft, terrorism and dance.

Great interview with Chloë Grace Moretz in NME about The Peripheral and choosing projects to act in. Also interesting how most photos they use are marked 'do not use'...
#ChloëGraceMoretz #ThePeripheral…

Watching some #ThePeripheral episodes with #ChloëGraceMoretz. Not actually with Chloë of course, she's likely gaming on her big new computer as we speak.…
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Chloë essentially plays three different characters in #ThePeripheral: Flynne in 2032, the Flynne peripheral in the 2100s, and the empty peripheral when Flynne doesn't embody it. The last two look exactly the same of course (same clothes, same hair and makeup), but how Chloë is making these two completely different characters is impressive.

This whole concept of an empty peripheral is a fascinating one...

Watching #ThePeripheral because the first two episodes came out today, or more precisely because #ChloëGraceMoretz is in it.

Four important dates:

  • 21 October: The Peripheral on Amazon Prime with Chloë Grace Moretz
  • 23 November: Wednesday on Netflix with Jenna Ortega
  • 5 December: His Dark Materials season three on HBO Max with Dafne Keen
  • 10 February (& 10 March): You season four on Netflix with Amy-leigh Hickman

#ChloëGraceMoretz #JennaOrtega #DafneKeen #AmyLeighHickman #ThePeripheral #Wednesday #HisDarkMaterials #You

Today is the day that #ChloëGraceMoretz 's #MotherAndroid is on Netflix. Guess what I'm watching now.

Watching Chloë Grace Moretz in Kick Ass and Kick Ass 2 (which I call Hit Girl 1), because Chloë is amazing and because I got a better recording of them than I had before.
#ChloëGraceMoretz #KickAss #HitGirl
in reply to Gidi Kroon

I sometimes argue that there's never a real fight between female and male characters in action films, that if there is a fight the female action hero always cleanly knocks out the male baddies. But I stand corrected here. There's a full out fight between a male baddie and the 12yo girl and she receives a lot of punches, having to dig really deep to survive.

I'm not promoting violence of any kind, but I like films being different. If it's an action film and you're going to have violence anyway, this sure is different.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Another great thing about Kick Ass 2 is that it also has Lindy Booth and Ella Purnell in it.

I'll be watching Tom & Jerry: The Movie with Chloë Grace Moretz this evening. And I know she's actually in it this time, since she's the lead. Next to Tom and Jerry of course.
#ChloëGraceMoretz #TomAndJerry

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in reply to Gidi Kroon

These credits... 'Tom as himself' 😉

It's a fun film. I especially noticed how Chloë is so natural acting opposite these animated characters. I guess that's over a decade worth of film experience and growing up acting to a camera when the other character is not necessarily there.

Here we go with Shadow in the Cloud. It's one of two recent films with Chloë Grace Moretz as lead that I haven't seen yet and I'm rectifying it now.
#ChloëGraceMoretz #ShadowInTheCloud #NowWatching

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in reply to Gidi Kroon

Wow... Chloë takes being the lead in a film to a whole new level. So much about this film that I can't say because of spoilers. Gender preconceptions are a main theme I guess, both misogyny in institutions like the military, but gender stereotypes in films as well. That ending is probably the most powerful thing ever in a film, never seen before, but we can't mention it...
#ChloëGraceMoretz #ShadowInTheCloud

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in reply to Gidi Kroon

Fun to find out they were thinking of crediting Chloë for all departments, like lighting, hair, makeup, wardrobe, grip. For over two weeks they shot scenes with her in a cramped space where they couldn't do these things, so Chloë had to do it herself.

Less fun if you realise she's claustrophobic...
#ChloëGraceMoretz #ShadowInTheCloud

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My haul for today:

The haul of yesterday actually, arriving piecemeal today with stragglers later this week.

It's been too long that I've seen a new film with Chloë Grace Moretz...
#ChloëGraceMoretz #ShadowInTheCloud #JennaOrtega #Songbird

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