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Pinned post, about following from multiple addresses

Hi, when I follow someone I usually do this from multiple accounts, with different servers and platforms. This is partially as backup. It’s also because different software has different features. E.g. at the moment of writing I mainly post from my Friendica server, but it doesn’t yet support polls, or account migrations. So I also follow from my Pleroma server, which does notify me someone has migrated.

I also sometimes use platforms that support nomadic identity, that allows my channels on multiple servers to be synced. From software that doesn’t support that, a follow request looks like multiple separate requests from those channels.

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in reply to Gidi Kroon

Life is Sweet (1990)
That scene between Nicola and her mother is one of the best dialogue scenes in films ever. In a sense everything in the film before that leads up to that dialogue.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Played this from my own dvd since it's so not available for streaming, rental or buying digitally that it doesn't even have a JustWatch entry (in my country). Most other films I look up there just say 'not available', suggesting they are available in other countries or were available at some point in the past.

Owning dvd's may seem old fashioned, but is still the only way.