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I'm clearly not keeping up with blogging about Jenna Ortega news because there is just so much of it. How can she do more things than I can write 'she did this thing'... Until I've caught up a quick overview:

  • She stunned at the MET gala last month and with that attendance brought in much money for charity
  • She stunned again at the MTV Movie & TV Awards yesterday, on the red carpet and on stage where she presented an award to Olivia Rodrigo
  • She won at the MTV Movie & TV Awards for her performance in Scream
  • Scream, X, Studio 666 are all out on digital and discs
  • American Carnage, the film she made long ago (I think 2019), finally has a trailer out and has a release date set for next month
  • Wednesday is coming in the Fall and will have a first look today
  • She just finished filming the film Finestkind two days ago
  • She will film Scream 6 this summer

Jenna only won at the MTV Movie Awards 'Best Frightened Performance' for Scream! That was an amazing performance indeed, well deserved!
#JennaOrtega #Scream #ScreamMovie #MTV

Using the #Hyperspace frontend on Friendica looks reasonably ok. The notification screen even makes more sense, showing only actual notifications (instead of Friendica's 'someone you don't follow replied to another post in the thread than the one you favourited').

However, they don't seem to know all notification types, so when an rss post comes in you get this notification:

Bought a sunshade for my balcony yesterday, but couldn't test it yet because it was already later in the afternoon and the sun had turned around the building. Today it's extremely depressing weather, continuous rain and light levels haven't been above dusk yet. I'm sorry for jinxing the summer for everybody...

Instagram acting surprised and asking me to verify whether I've input my birthdate correctly, because that would make me 52 years old. Well, sorry, I am.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

YouTube asked me to verify that I'm over 18 on my account forced upon me during the G+ days from said Google account (that way even older) :surprised_pikachu:

Yes, I get it, it's a legal requirement but still… :wat:

Most people agree that the war in Ukraine needs to stop. But there's a difference in what people mean when they say that. Some, including me, think that Russia should stop its aggression and withdraw to within its own borders. Others think Ukraine should just give up and let itself be overrun.

The people arguing things like the west prolonging the war, drawing out the conflict, etc are of the latter opinion.

Why are they wrong? Because Russia will just start the next war to invade the next country. As they've done before. In fact, there's already a treaty between Russia and Ukraine where the former solemnly swore to not invade. See what those promises are worth.

It feels so weird to me to see people talking about reading books as if it's like eating snacks, consuming many of them really fast. I mean how fast can you read a book? It takes me years to read one...

Questions I have: what is foo and why are they fighting it and what is trooping and why are they doing that to colours?

We are finally stopping with Russian oil (with caveats). Great. But I wish this was done with immediate effect. Quote from Latvia's PM: "It's going to cost us more. But it's only money. The Ukrainians are paying with their lives."…

Something you can take from a role model is the inspiration to know your passion and to have the drive to persue your passion.

But I must be careful not to focus on how far from that goal I am, which could be depressing. I sort of half know what my passions are or were, but I have so little energy which manifests in having so little time to do something with that. I used to love discovering new music and going on journeys through the songs I already had. Now even putting a cd in the player already feels like too much effort.

People who deal with things they disagree with by harassing others, can and should be ignored. But I know it's hard.

I think my latest order has shipped with a steamboat.

Great to hear that #tumblr is going ahead with trying #indieweb integration. When I first saw them posting that, they confused indieweb with Mastodon, so I didn't have much faith. Now they seem to know indieweb and activitypub are two different and interesting targets to connect with.

I mean, WordPress can already do indieweb with the right plugins and tumblr sort of is WordPress these days... (well, owned by)

in reply to Gidi Kroon

As I see it, their second amendment doesn't allow private gun ownership.

There was a time when a politician's position could become 'untenable'...

Now, e.g. in the UK, a Prime Minister can take 'full responsibility' and then nothing happens. Other ministers can have reports published confirming they bullied staff, or wholly mismanaged an evacuation, and nothing happens.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

Unknown parent

Gidi Kroon
@Rothgar The problem seems to exist in a lot of countries including mine, but the examples are from the UK, two of the three even this week.

She lights the candle with a lighter, what kind of witch does that?

I was about two pages into writing a blog post that was supposed to be short and think it'd be another two pages, when the thought struck that this was all nonsense. Anyway, I'll leave it as a draft for a bit, see what I think later.

The incredible sickness of the American soul is visible in every single aspect of this tragedy. A complete failure on every level. How do these people live with themselves? Why do we let them?

woman: *exists on the internet*
man: this seems enough encouragement for me to go review her face

(sub-post, this person is now blocked locally, it troubles me that I don't know what else I can or should do)

There was a large spot of dirt on a chair on the balcony that I cleaned off with a cloth. Then the dirt, while on the cloth while in my hand, spread its wings and flew off. Made me jump a bit.

I hope it's ok. It landed on the window, where it still is now. It looks undamaged.

I guess I was already old when I was a child. Or at least it seems that way.

A lot of what you're supposed to get up to when you're a child or teenager involves interacting with other people. So if you don't really know how to do that, what remains is what old people do, just going from one day to the next.

Failing being a positive person when fans share the new Wednesday poster for Jenna Ortega's Netflix series, are happy, and I just see "Fall 2022" on it. That's so far away!
#JennaOrtega #Wednesday #WednesdayNetflix

Did my 100th Wordle today and am on a streak of 35. I'm happy about it since the game is not in my own language.

There have been enough Someone should do something-days that I know that ultimately nothing will get done and I'm at a loss how to change it. Yet again many children have died in the US, very young ones this time, again. But the majority of elected leaders in that country are of the opinion that guns are more important than those children's lives, so it doesn't seem they will change anything.

It seems a typically American problem, but I guess one possible solution is the same as in other democracies: make it clear as a voter that you have your red lines. It's all good weighing different parts of someone's political stance and stepping over some things in favour of other things, but if you step over them allowing children being murdered, at least know who and what you are.

There's this group that's so anti-abortion that they allow themselves to support candidates that cause children's deaths. You are seen for what you are.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

They are already moving towards doing nothing, way sooner than normal. I'm sick.

Today two films with @jennaortega came out on blu-ray: #X and #Studio666. This is US-only and may not be playable in other regions. For @xmovie the blu-ray is listed in Europe on 20 June (UK) and the 4k collectors edition with two different covers on 2 September (Germany).

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

in reply to Gidi (@twitter)

Obviously I'm getting that UK blu-ray when it comes out and obviously nothing is listed for my own country, but I'm thinking whether I should also get the German 4k disc... But I'm not going to wait for it. And I can't decide between the two covers...

Getting German discs is easy in the single market, but their menus, box and subtitles are in German, which is not my preferred language. They do have the interesting feature however that the cover can be turned inside-out to show the exact same artwork but without the age rating on it.

Standard US shipping for a printed magazine issue: $4.99. International shipping (which is everywhere else, including Canada and US territories): $50.00. Just say you don't want to ship internationally.


Wordle 335 6/6


That was lucky, so many words fit those three letters...

A bit annoyed that this company said they would ship today, deliver tomorrow, since that factored into my decision to place this order with them yesterday, but there has been no movement on the order progress since then. We'll see.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

To add insult to injury, they send an email upon eventually shipping the order, saying "Yay, you're order shipped earlier than expected!". I guess that depends on what you were expecting, it's certainly later than advertised.

Watching Crowded and episode two already has that argument scene. I remember them telling that when Miranda Cosgrove and Mia Serafino had some time between scenes they decided to practise that argument scene somewhere offstage. The show is filmed in front of an audience and they could see the two lead actresses having some massive argument in some corner. Caused a lot of confusion. In reality Miranda and Mia are best of friends, still are.

Happy 29th Birthday Miranda Cosgrove!

Her film North Hollywood is out on blu-ray 9 June (in Europe) and can be preordered. In the meantime, let's celebrate by rewatching her great performances like in Crowded and The Intruders. Also, here are some of her recent Instagram photos.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

It's also totally Miranda Cosgrove's birthday today, I was just thinking and posting about her completely unrelated to that.

You may know her as the executive producer of the iCarly reboot (or as singer, or as actress).

Happy 29th birthday Miranda!

Even more reason to rewatch some Crowded today.

Just some things today on my computer...

Friendica 'News' message just came in from a year ago
Battery percentage at absolute zero

It has been 0% for hours now, I'm ignoring it.

The use of the 'Moore' family name in tv show in-jokes. In the zombie-show, iZombie, the zombie character played by Rose McIver was called Olivia ('Liv') Moore. Miranda Cosgrove played Carly Shay in iCarly, then her next big show she was Shea Moore in Crowded.

(It's my head cannon that Shea grew up watching iCarly and having Carly as role model)

Remembering that time when Miranda Cosgrove and Mia Serafino were doing an hour long live to promote their show Crowded. Also, Miranda's friend had a litter of kittens, so they had gone over there to film. The result was that there was much cooing over kittens and 10 seconds before their show would start they were like 'We forgot to promote the show. Anyway, go watch Crowded!'.

(Great show though, and cute kittens)

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Miranda's live tweeting was still kitten pictures.

I like that they did these promotional things out of the control of the studio. No way the legal department of the studio would have allowed to use the house of an unrelated, non-celebrity, individual.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Another week, there were more people there for the live, including the guy who plays their father in the show (Patrick Warburton). They were playing a game of Never Have I Ever, and when the question came up of sneaking out of the window to go to a party your parents had forbidden you to go to, all eyes turned to Mia since her image is a bit of trouble personified (I can't speak for the real her of course). But she never had done that. Slowly they saw that only Miranda had her hand raised, having ever done that before, causing him to say in his deep booming voice: "No! Not the Good One!", which incidentally is literally a line from the show.

Jenna Ortega's film X is out on blu-ray 20 June (24 May for those in the US) and can be preordered now. I loved this so much when I saw it in the cinema! No 4k-disc, sadly. Her film Scream is already out on 4k.
#JennaOrtega #XMovie #X