I was super-confused for quite a bit more than a bit...
Where do Americans put the documents they're discussing if not on the table? If their table is full of documents they're not discussing, is anything they've taken off the table, what they are discussing? Where do these land? On the floor? Ah, is that what 'bringing something to the floor' means?
Sir Osis of Liver 🇨🇦 🇲🇽 reshared this.
Hey, TikTok has landscape videos!
Hey, the trailer for Hotel Cocaine is out! Corina Bradley plays in this series on MGM+, she's the daughter in this trailer. Here's the link on her TikTok: vm.tiktok.com/ZIJngQt5X/
#CorinaBradley #HotelCocaine
Jenna Ortega's film Winter Spring Summer or Fall will have its world premiere at the Tribeca Festival (New York) on 6 June 2024.
#JennaOrtega #WinterSpringSummerOrFall
I love this photo of Helena Gualinga (from her Instagram). She's a human rights and climate activist from Ecuador fighting to stop fossil fuel exploration in the Amazon.
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Ghost Liberty :anti-fa: :anti-com: :libertarian: :boogalii: reshared this.
I thought I had posted about her before. Anyway, I like, besides everything she stands for of course, also the contrast between her looking tribal one moment (when at home) and highly fashionable the next (for speaking engagements and such) (the things you have to do to save your land...) but especially how she combines the two.
I found some more photos on her own Instagram that illustrate that point.
Stop mining the Amazon! Protect this woman's land, and actually our whole planet.
#ClaudiaJessie #Bridgerton
‘I did all the things an actor shouldn’t’: Bridgerton’s Claudia Jessie on class, big breaks – and houseboats
Being cast as a scheming toff in the global phenomenon Bridgerton was a surprise for Claudia Jessie. Fiercely proud of her roots, the Brummie talks about etiquette lessons, getting too many tattoos and why working-class actors so often get a rough de…Sam Moore (The Guardian)
I still love this dialogue. The one time I had to do the whole dialogue instead of taking one line out of context for increased mystery:
Turns out the new Doctor Who companion Varada Sethu will not replace the 'current' one but be in addition to her in the 2025 series. And I say 'current' in quotes because that 2024 series also still has to start for real (in May).
They say she played previously in Hard Sun, which I saw six years ago, so now I've got to try to remember what character that was.
The Many Voices of Anne Ahlert reshared this.
Her showreel is good though. Also helped me remember who she was in Hard Sun. I liked her, I quoted her character back when I was still doing that on Tumblr (now on @randomlinesfromtvandfilm ):
She was also in Doctor Foster in a small role, but I remember liking that one.
Get yourself an actress who can do both...
The new series of Beyond Paradise has a new actress (Melina Sinadinou) that I didn't know before. As you can see in the first photo (from her Instagram) she seems totally my type. Weird is very ok for me... But maybe for others the second photo (her professional headshot from Spotlight by Harry Livingstone) is more conventionally convincing?
They're advertising the series to start on BBC First this Monday 21h00. But it already runs on BBC One and I caught a glimpse. Her character seems interesting and she's worth watching for the acting too.
The Wednesday blu-ray doesn't have the "[barely restrained seething]" subtitle... That's a Netflix-only feature... The disc has the much less inspired "[breath trembling]". It's not all advantages to owning the disc...
I loved how that subtitle captured Jenna's Wednesday.
#Wednesday #JennaOrtega
I can't wait for season two! But I'll have to...
It's a shame Emma didn't get to use her werewolf training this season, maybe next? Wednesday got knocked unconscious a disconcerting amount of times, it's a good thing she has Goody now, might help with the healing.
It's weird how they seemed to have special events every single day, Harvest Festival, Outreach Day, Poe Cup, Raven Dance, Parents Day, etc. Hardly any actual lessons seemed to be happening. Still, instead of more school, I'm hoping for the next season to be set outside the school. And have more Goody Addams, I like a powerful witch.
They managed to make geoblocking of films even more irritating: I get a specific mail from Amazon Prime Video, telling me that Finestkind with Jenna Ortega is now available for rent. That's great, because I still want to see it, since Paramount+/SkyShowtime is not carrying that film in my country.
I go to their page, only to be met with the popup that this film is not available in my location.
Then why send me that email?!
Anyway, dear Americans, Finestkind is available for rent in your country!
#Finestkind #JennaOrtega
"We value your privacy" they always say. It's just never followed by an offer indicating just how much they value it.
Ben reshared this.
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#JennaOrtega #MillersGirl
#ChloëGraceMoretz #OhWhatFun
Corina Bradley's series Hotel Cocaine will be on MGM+ in just over two months.
Miranda Cosgrove's film Mother of the Bride is on Netflix 9 May.
Katie Douglas's film Lazareth is out 10 May.
#CorinaBradley #MirandaCosgrove #KatieDouglas #HotelCocaine #MotherOfTheBride #Lazareth
That is exactly what it is, thank you. I couldn't find it in the list of channels Amazon was trying to sell me, but it turns out that was (surprise surprise) because I'm already subscribed to it! It used to be called differently, StarzPlay I think, and got renamed.
Now if they only had Paramount+ too in my country like they do in most places...
The blu-ray for Wednesday arrived today! On Wednesday. Starting my umpteenth watch-through.
With recently the great experience of watching Miller's Girl on the big screen and now eight episodes of brilliance to see, these are really Jenna days...
#JennaOrtega #Wednesday
We're getting the full opening credits in episode one. I think on Netflix we only got them on two episodes and not the first one. Or do I misremember?
Edit: I do misremember. Episode two has the shortened opening credits.
feld likes this.
Gidi Kroon
in reply to Gidi Kroon • •Looks like this time they avoid the harsh Romanian winter by starting filming in spring and by not being in Romania. They film in Ireland this time if I remember correctly. Last time they were filming over eight months including winter, while living in an apartment building with a permanently broken hot water boiler.
I saw several British actresses as new additions to the cast, notably Billie Piper and Frances O'Connor. The decor for some bts photos was Wednesday's and Enid's dorm room, so it seems to still include Nevermore Academy.