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Second time this week that a Dutch word I didn't know the English translation for, when I looked it up didn't seem to have a translation. Seems we have exhausted the English language.

For the sport 'korfbal' we get no further than 'korfball', with 'korf' being the Dutch word for 'basket'. I guess 'basketball' was somehow already taken.

Then today I forgot to run cold water over my boiled egg, which supposedly makes them easier to peel. We call it 'schrikken', a homonym for the word meaning 'to scare' but with a different conjugation. Turns out the internet thinks none of the English speaking people made up a word for that? ('Shock' is the closest but apparently not really used in this context)

in reply to Gidi Kroon

A couple of years ago there was a news item about a new Dutch dictionary being presented, I think to some royal person. The dictionary was different in that it attempted to be almost, but not entirely, complete. It comprised several volumes over all the shelves of one or more bookcases. We have many words.

(We also cheat by combining words together to make new words in a way that English doesn't)

in reply to Gidi Kroon

"The meaning of Liff" is hilarious reading, for pointing at concepts that are very well defined but that no word exists for.

1 February 2024 could see a large increase in IPv6 usage. From that date, Amazon (AWS) will charge for using IPv4 and it's going to be quite expensive. Until now it has been essentially free.

Each server you run typically needs one IPv4 address. The price for this one address will be comparable to the price of running the server itself, essentially doubling the cost of running a Friendica, Pleroma, etc server.

I think IPv6 will still be free.

The solutions like NAT and Elastic Load Balancer are expensive. The NAT service (for outgoing connections) only becomes cost effective over ten servers. ELB (as an Application Load Balancer for incoming connections) only over five servers; but in that case you still need a NAT as well, and you would need to allow Amazon to manage your SSL certificates.

Other solutions: set up a single reverse proxy (nginx) for all apps including an outgoing proxy, setting up an Instance Connect Endpoint for your private (ssh) needs, or just finally switch to IPv6.
#AWS #SelfHosting #IPv4 #IPv6

reshared this

Visited Glow in Eindhoven yesterday evening. This is the annual public event with art installations based around the theme of light (as Eindhoven is essentially built on light bulbs). I liked that the route was more compact this year, so it became more of an experience than separate installations with quite some walking between them as in other years. I disliked that the route was badly indicated (or maybe signs had been changed) so I got lost many times and in the end was only at around three quarters after 2.5 hours walking when at 23:00 the installations started to switch off. Rushed passed the final ones...

When looking up searching for signs on lampposts, I didn't see a low wall and fell over it down the more than a meter depth on the other side, full cartoon style. Didn't break anything, miraculously, just some bruises and a bit shaken. I even had my camera in my hand which also wasn't damaged. I should apply for a stunt person job in films...
#Glow #GlowEindhoven #Glow2023

Season 2 of Wednesday may start filming in April, according to Deadline. Jenna first has Beetlejuice 2 to finish; Death of a Unicorn has already finished.
#JennaOrtega #Wednesday

Anyway, still rewatching that tv show that had its series VIII in 1999...

Occasionally Friendica has old posts in the timeline, e.g. when it refreshes pinned posts from a profile. But ever since yesterday there've been a lot more like:

5 years ago (Received 6 minutes ago)
15 years ago (Received 35 minutes ago)

From many different accounts. Seems like all of a sudden several people have gotten nostalgic and are resharing their old posts. Don't know what it is, maybe something in the weather, maybe escapism from today's world...

Ok, testing a mail service using their free tier and because it allows sending end-to-end encrypted mails (i.e. there's an encrypted mailbox on their website with a pre-shared password) and it immediately goes wrong. It says my browser is unknown and unsupported. It's only Google Chrome.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

And their welcome mail has a link to their Mastodon account, or so you'd think. It's actually their private invite link to the server.

I had been looking into alternative mailbox services where you can use your own domain. Gandi went from free with your domain to costing about €60 yearly and is now about the most expensive I can find. Proton Mail is around €50, Tuta around €40. The latter is for three domains, the others cost that amount per domain. Several others seem to be between those numbers, and then there is disroot's not very confidence inducing "12 coffees".

Anyone know a mailbox service (imap or app, own domain) that beats Tuta's pricing of €3/month?

(Some prices rounded up to nearest round number so I can remember them)

It's really great that BBC 2 are repeating Red Dwarf. They're doing series 2, or Red Dwarf II in official parlance, and yesterday we had the episode Queeg.

I still have my boxset of series I to VIII to watch. Instead of starting at the beginning, I'll start with where Red Dwarf started for me: the sixth series. That's the one with them flying the "Starbug".
#RedDwarf #NowWatching

in reply to Gidi Kroon

I've reached the episode of Red Dwarf series VII where Chloë Annett enters the show as the new Kochanski. I loved seeing her so much and apparently I still do. Also the new angle on the character is great. And no, I have no problem liking both actresses who played the same role.

I also loved her in Crime Traveller, I may have watched that because of her...
#RedDwarf #ChloëAnnett

ƧƿѦςɛ♏ѦਹѤʞ reshared this.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Whoa, another actress I admire also plays Kochanski! Holly Earl, though here unrecognisably young, about 5, as part of a joke where Kochanski for a few seconds is turned to child form. I had no idea it was her, only spotted it in the credits...
#HollyEarl #RedDwarf

in reply to Gidi Kroon

12/11: US-Europe Day of Confusion.
13/11: US Day of Bewilderment.

Gandi wants €60,- to keep your email address, for a domain you have already paid for.

(Technically you also keep your email address if you don't pay, but you can't use it to send mail, which I think is rather essential)

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Life is getting expensive, after yesterday's insistence by Instagram that we cough up €144,- yearly to use it without targeted adverts.

Got the European Instagram popup just now that demands me to pay them 12 euros or they will steal my data.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Also interesting that Instagram think their monthly value to you is about the same as a Netflix subscription, which I highly doubt. At least Netflix has real content that they make or buy.

For some people writing comes easier than reading and they feel more comfortable speaking than listening. Or so it seems. If only we were all like that, there would be no problem.

Apparently the actors union SAG-AFTRA and the studios have reached a tentative deal, which means the strike is over. No details yet, but hopefully it properly rewards and protects those who we see and admire on screen even when we're streaming.…

Jenna Ortega won the Breakthrough Award at the Women of the Year Awards by Harper's Bazaar! She received the award from Tim Burton. Here she is in that night's portrait studio in a photo by Rachel Louise Brown, published here by the magazine. See the announcement on their Instagram.

#JennaOrtega #HarpersBazaar

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Ok, five seconds ago this wasn't hanging on my wall yet, put it up to take the photo, but I think I'm going to leave it there for a while.

New promo photo of Jenna Ortega for the upcoming film Finestkind, posted by their Instagram account.

Yeah, Jenna is a real standout even when she's sitting...
#JennaOrtega #Finestkind

Switched off my PeerTube until I have time to look at why it keeps restarting. That moment is not now...
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Ok, I'm having one go at fixing something, which is based on taking offence with the word 'properly' in "Properly configure default heap limits". Let's see whether overriding it does some good.

Via a colleague I found out that "Rancher Desktop by SUSE" is an almost drop-in replacement for "Docker Desktop". So if you were using the latter for running docker, compose and kubernetes on your windows developer machine, but had to stop because it is no longer free, you can stop the workarounds and use Rancher instead. See .
in reply to Gidi Kroon

or Podman Desktop, it is too an open source alternative to Docker Desktop

Besides the daily Wordle, Woordle (Dutch Wordle) and '' (guessing films based on stills), there's also the weekly '' where you guess tv series based on stills.

Fixed that a video that only played for me but not for anybody else, now plays for everybody except me. Was it CORS? Of course it was CORS.

Watching Child's Play (1988), a.k.a. that Chucky film, since other than part of the recent tv series I haven't seen any of the films yet and they're around seven films into the franchise already.

Dove Cameron just announced that the next single from her album will come 10 November:…

long white screenshot included that could be confusing in your timeline, hence behind a cw

I don't use ad blockers, but I seem to have made myself so uninteresting to advertisers, that I often see large blank spaces on sites where the adverts normally go. This is in part by declining cookies ("I have cookies at home") and in part by just being uninteresting.

This is e.g. how the recent article I shared looks to me:

It may seem I always initially forget to enter tags on my PeerTube posts, but I don't. It's just that you need to 'hit the enter key' to fill in the tags and there's no 'enter key' to hit on my phone. Tapping the button on my touchscreen keyboard doesn't work...

So it'll have to wait till next time I'm at a computer.

A post by Alyssa Milano on Instagram alerted me to this clip of an upcoming podcast (this Tuesday on YouTube and their podcast channel) by Pod Save America, where President Obama is the guest. Here he speaks some truths about the complexities of the Gaza situation in relation to people trying to debate it on social media. He puts it much better than I ever can.

I'm embedding the video on PeerTube, since most people here don't like to go to Instagram. But the original Instagram link is in the description if you want it.
#BarackObama #Gaza #PodSaveAmerica

Eddi reshared this.

Great interview in Harper's Bazaar UK with Jenna Ortega, not about her films due to the strike, but about her career and her life, about the past and future, about her 21st birthday which was the first in a long time she was not working, about never being home, about representation, and about what she wants in the future. I like reading about her thoughts, she's a deep thinker.

Great photoshoot by Agata Pospieszynska as well. She's one of five cover stars for the 'Awards edition'.…

#JennaOrtega #HarpersBazaar

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Other great photos by Agata Pospieszynska of Jenna Ortega in the Harper's Bazaar 'Award's issue'. See more in the above link!


in reply to Gidi Kroon

The same issue also has Emilia Clarke and Gugu Mbatha-Raw. I can't find on the site how to order the issue, so what's the point in making such a star studded one?

Decades ago I frequently checked a magazine shop. Do they still exist?

Rewatching Dark Places because I recorded it off tv recently and it has Chloë Grace Moretz in it somewhere. Though you have to wait until 30 minutes into the film for her to show up, but then it instantly feels less dreary.

I can't quite remember the story from the first time I saw it, except maybe that it was indeed 'dark'. Chloë did much dark stuff in her youth (in films I mean).
#ChloëGraceMoretz #DarkPlaces

Also, why does a post get federated with the wrong accounts of people tagged as well, even though I removed these before posting and these tags don't show up in the post on the origin server?

And why does Mastodon show images of a cw'd post even though the cw is collapsed, while Pleroma does it right?

And why don't post scopes work properly between platforms...

So many little incompatibilities can pop up in this fediverse thing.

Can confirm that the alt text reminder bot is still working.

@dansup, false positive, Pixelfed

@dansup fyi, and I don't consider it a problem for me, but the Pixelfed Android app installed from f-droid ( triggers a warning by the Lookout scanner. It says the signing key is accessible to multiple developers. I guess this is just a result of releasing via f-droid. However, I'm not getting this message on any other apps I got from f-droid.

For the warning, see screenshot.

More news about A24's Death of a Unicorn that stars Jenna Ortega:… . It has wrapped and Jenna is executive producer.
#JennaOrtega #DeathOfAUnicorn

Regarding the below reshare: I've the impression that it's not 'some of them' that are organised campaigns, but most of them that are tailor made campaigns designed to hurt the most. Especially when these are directed at women in the public eye that have opinions; a certain section of powerful men are I think financing efforts to drive them from their social media platform.

In related news: in the past you needed to type well into her last name before type ahead search results on the various sites considered you might be meaning "Jenna Ortega", but I can report that now for IMDb "Jen" is enough and for Netflix a simple "Je".

The autocomplete on my phone needs nothing more than "J", or in fact just a #, but that's years of training...

I need more things like Wednesday and The Fallout, with Jenna Ortega in actual lead roles, it's such an experience. It's great seeing her in supporting roles and ensemble casts and even then she stands out, but there's nothing like a project being totally driven by her. There's no one like her.

Now watching Karen Gillan twice in Dual. I haven't seen this before but from what I gather the premise of this film is that in some sci-fi future, before someone dies, they can have their whole being copied into a new body. Karen's character is in that situation and does that, but then she doesn't die but her copy also doesn't want to go away. Karen plays both the original and the copy.

Karen Gillan is of course known as one of the great companions from Doctor Who: Amy. (There have been many... Clara, Rose, Martha, Yaz, Ace...)
#KarenGillan #Dual

in reply to Gidi Kroon

This film is different in a good way. You have preconceptions about what it will be like, then it isn't that. You watch it and think how it's going to develop, then it doesn't go there. Then you think surely it's going to end this way, then again it doesn't.

Just saw a film with Klariza Clayton called Fox Trap or Don't Blink depending on where you live. It's an ok horror slasher and I enjoyed it. It could have used more Klariza though. I seem to remember her once posting something like 'don't blink or you'll miss me' even before it was renamed to Don't Blink, but I may remember that wrong.
#KlarizaClayton #FoxTrap #DontBlink

A BBC article about the kind of misinformation going around about the events in Israel and Gaza, focusing on the deaths of two young boys. This is also why you shouldn't be getting your news from social media.…

Mail by Sharepoint: Here's news you may have tried to miss.