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It looks like Schmigadoon! season 2 comes out 7 April. At least I see them mentioning "4.07" which I think is American for 7 April and not some room number. I got season 1 on Apple TV+ and I think it's like that worldwide.
#Schmigadoon #DoveCameron
in reply to Gidi Kroon

I loved the first season and I'm glad it'll be back.
in reply to

@ART // Cantankerous Tech // 🐀 It definitely was fun and I'll be watching this season too. It's going to be six episodes, one a week and the first two the first week. So something to look forward to for the Fridays.

Me third-wheeling.

(Image description: black and white image, possibly of an old tv show, of three figures together. A man and a woman seem to be about to kiss, an ugly sea monster looks on. It's as weird as that sounds.)

Yesterday Jenna Ortega was at the YSL fashion show in Paris. Here is an article about her outfit for those that can read French, others just look at the pictures.

The film Scream VI (with Jenna Ortega) is listed for 9 March in Dutch cinemas (one day ahead of the US release), but these things tend to change once the date comes nearer.
#JennaOrtega #ScreamVI

The promo for Nadia in You season 4 is out. Nadia is played by Amy-leigh Hickman, who is a massively talented actress.
#YouNetflix #AmyLeighHickman…

I want to stress this quote:

"Never forget that the interview is for you, too."

So many people forget that. It's also about you selecting them as employer. It's why I don't consider a "not a fit" result to be negative, especially when it's true.

They did not ask a single question about my technical competencies, my achievements, or what I was looking for in my next opportunity. I was told this interview was a vibe check and that they'd prefer if I asked all the questions to see what was important to me, so I did.

Unsurprisingly, they passed on me the next day for not being a "🚩cultural fit". I honestly laughed for a solid hour.

Never forget that the interview is for you, too.

Some of my favourite science history facts:

The term "big bang theory" was coined by a scientist who didn't believe in it but in a static universe. He thought by giving it a ridiculous name, the theory would go away. The name stuck.

"Schrödinger's Cat" is a thought experiment often used to explain an interpretation of quantum physics where things can exist in multiple states at the same time as long as there's no other boundary condition (the cat is both dead and alive as long as you don't look into the box). Schrödinger did indeed come up with it, but since he didn't believe in this interpretation, the thought experiment was intended to make fun of the theory.

in reply to Gidi Kroon


The cosmic microwave background radiation that is the result from the start of our universe, was first by the researchers thought to be the result of pigeon poo that had built up in their antenna. So this research project involved them standing in the big horn of the antenna with brooms scraping out pigeon poo.

When researchers tried to find out how much gravity was slowing down the expansion of the universe and whether it would be enough to pull the universe back together in some kind of big crunch, they redid their calculations many times because the result was so unexpected. But eventually they had to publish it. The answer to whether the universe's expansion was slowing down enough was that it was speeding up. No-one knows why.

It seems there will be a sequel to Zoey 101! It will be called Zoey 102. I think it's a film rather than a series. Thanks to Erin Sanders for the news! She plays Quinn and both Erin and Quinn are the reasons to watch Zoey 101/102.
#Zoey101 #Zoey102 #ErinSanders

To increase diversity they made sure not all white men they consulted where called 'Paul'.

That was a massively long read, but very interesting.

It lacks the other form of engaging with a post: subposting.

Summarising a document into a smaller document by using a smaller font.

Sorting posts alphabetically as a new timeline algorithm.

In Dutch, what we write as "IJ" is one character, just spelled like that because the actual character is missing. It takes the place of the "Y" in our alphabet. But we've been using this for so long, that a lot of crosswords and also the Dutch Woordle of a few days back, forget this.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Interestingly, when I look this up it appears that this has given rise to different sorting rules in dictionaries vs phone books.

They should run each tv series until there's at least one episode where they literally jump a shark.

Now presenting: Female Actor in a Comedy Series nomineess ✨ give it up for the incredible @1capplegate, Rachel Brosnahan, @quintabrunson, @jennaortega and Jean Smart! #sagawards


Jenna Ortega is nominated for best actress in a comedy series at the SAG Awards for her role in Wednesday! She deserves all the awards...
#JennaOrtega #WednesdayNetflix #Wednesday

There are many web site themes.

*filtering out the ones that are some kind of call-to-action thing*

There are no web site themes.

Award season, when the US entertainment industry celebrates the things us in the rest of the world have not even heard about.

Tonight will be the Golden Globe award ceremony where Jenna Ortega is nominated for best actress (subcategory comedy or musical series) for her role in Wednesday. I hope she wins! For me she has already won, and as best actress overall, or best person overall. She is also presenting an award, a different one I assume.
#JennaOrtega #GoldenGlobes

Fear The Walking Dead season 8 will come out in the US on 14 May. This will be the final season.

I'm currently watching season 7, because that has just come out for us in the rest of the world.

So, transcoding on my PeerTube works again, without going into the swapfile this time. Which is a much smoother experience.

In this The Guardian interview the band B*Witched talk about 1998, just before they became famous, and what happened since. They recreate a publicity photo they did then.

I was a huge fan. Mainly of Lindsay Armaou. Still am. I had seen them about a year before their first single came out in something I happened to catch on video tape. I was struck.

B*Witched in 1998, photographer unknown.

B*Witched in 2022, by Simon Webb.

#Bewitched #B*Witched #LindsayArmaou…

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Even though B*Witched was one of the most real girl- (or boy-) bands at the time (actually talented performers, down to earth people), there's still some manufacturing going on as you can sense in that article. I dislike that aspect of pop music with a passion. Sinead was made 'the blonde one', Keavy had her personality and hairstyle assigned that she didn't feel happy with. But they were really young women, trusted the record company and went with it. I think other bands are manufactured to even much higher degrees.

The article doesn't mention it specifically, but when Lindsay talks about being 20 (and the youngest) when they started, we early fans know that is not what was in all the biographies... There she was 18, fresh out of high school was her origin story. I think ages 18-24 could be marketed better to high school kids than 20-26...

Beware of feigned victimhood which some people use to make them feel good about 'kicking up instead of shitting down' when they attack their chosen target.

Apparently Twitter has a setting in your profile for your gender, which they automatically populate based on activity. Mine was set at female 😧. Is it really so unnatural for a man to support women?

Instead of evangelising just let people be themselves and make their own decisions.

I think evangelising comes from doubting yourself after having made a choice that doesn't turn out to be very popular. You want others to also come over to your side so you don't look a fool being on your own. But just look at it from your own perspective: are you happy and getting what you wanted out of making your choice? Then that's all that matters.

I've long since stopped worrying about looking like a fool, since I do anyway. I'm always on my own in my choices.

For season two I have some outlandish ideas. They could go full meta and have Wednesday deal with toxic fandom Wednesday-style, after doing it Tara-style earlier. But I'm actually ready for a full season of Goody Addams. Possibly flashback, possibly dual persona, but we haven't seen nearly enough of this very strong character. Or she flees along the fields and mountains with Enid, eight episodes long.

I wouldn't be a very good script writer. I'd do one idea for eight episodes long.

Scream trying to announce something on the day that Wednesday is announced for season two... Sorry, we can't hear you, Scream!…