I once said that trains in the Netherlands were ok as long as you don't need to go anywhere, and only after I said it realised how much this described them completely failing at their purpose.
What I meant is that it's a problem if you depend on them, like for getting to work (not just on time, but at all). If you are just planning an optional trip outside of rush hour and are ok with going somewhere completely different instead, then it's fine.
First time in years of running this server/account that my dozens of saved searches have a hit and put a post in my timeline of someone I don't follow yet.
Anyway, it's not good news about a Jodie Foster project having its release delayed. Secretly I already knew that from deadline.com/2023/08/true-dete… ...
'True Detective: Night Country' Premiere Moves To January 2024 At HBO
We’ll have to wait a bit longer than planned for the premiere of HBO’s True Detective: Night Country, starring Jodie Foster and Kali Reis. A specific premiere date had not previously be…Denise Petski (Deadline)
Jealous of the Toronto people who have the ability to see Jenna Ortega in Finestkind this week. Hopefully worldwide cinema releases will follow soon.
#JennaOrtega #Finestkind #TIFF23
Great interview with Lindsay Armaou of B*Witched, talking an hour long about fame, becoming a pop band, image, the hectic schedules, breaking America, being dropped by the label and then starting up again and now decades later still going on. I have been and still am such a huge fan of hers, since before their first single was even scheduled for a release and I was afraid after that first time I saw them I would never hear from them again. Then their first four singles each entered the charts at number one and they became a record smashing (not literally) band.
#LindsayArmaou #B*Witched
Lindsay Armaou 'B*Witched' - an interview.
Lindsay and I spent a fascinating hour together talking about her time with hugely popular girl band B*Witched. We spoke about fame, the industry and the ban...YouTube
#SummerGlau #Dollhouse
#StephanieLeonidas #5lbsOfPressure
"Sometimes the people who most need to reach out are the people least capable of it"
-- Adelle
Gidi Kroon reshared this.
The point of this graph is to show that a human being on a bicycle is a more energy efficient way of getting around than the way (some/most) other animals do. I like that.
But a human by itself is quite energy efficient too, according to the graph. We evolved for walking and running long distances, so no surprise. But maybe not so nice that an airliner comes out pretty well too.
A problem is that now the contents of the wardrobe, and parts of the wardrobe, are on my bed waiting for the paint to dry so I can move it back. This is not going to happen today, so I've got to find somewhere else to sleep tonight...
It has happened often enough that I fell asleep on the couch watching tv, only waking up in the morning, so I guess this unplanned thing is going to be planned this time.
This was last year. This year is on track for becoming much worse.
From the BBC:
"Climate change: Thousands of penguins die in Antarctic ice breakup"
#ElizaDushku #Dollhouse
I only know popular science / scifi, but I like the tube idea. If you throw away one end of the tube really fast, like the speed of light, the tube will automatically get longer, probably allowing you to hold on to the other end comfortably. The examples in popular science usually involve ladders instead of tubes, but it may be transferable. Then, if you throw it even faster like over the speed of light (there are some people that say this is impossible, the trick is to ignore them), it will break the limit of causality and any messages you shout into one end should be encountered by you before you shouted them. Maybe with some weird Dopler effect. And maybe I'm wrong...
Now rewatching AnnaSophia Robb in the film Bridge to Terabithia.
I really like this film. I keep changing what I would mention as my favourite film (I have a list) but a long time ago the subject of favourite film came up at work and a colleague of mine and me at the same time said Bridge to Terabithia. Which is such an odd thing to happen, as it's not even that that many people have even heard of this film...
I'd say this film isn't that much underrated, as just not rated because it is quite unknown.
Anyway, AnnaSophia Robb is brilliant.
#AnnaSophiaRobb #BridgeToTerabithia #NowWatching
#ChloëGraceMoretz #KickAss
feld likes this.
I think these magic eye pictures may be some kind of conspiracy, 'The Emperor's New Clothes'-style, where a few people only pretend to 'see it'. Though if you're following WelshPixie you already know what it's going to say...
Cross your eyes they say... What if your eyes are already crossed? Instructions on such pictures say to 'start with your nose touching the image where the picture should be blurry', so I guess my nose is too long or my nearsightedness too strong...
Content warning for those without stereo vision: we can't see this so don't waste your time.
Just had a very quick look at cohost and these are my very initial impressions:
+ the vibe is very tumblr, in lots of ways
- things are even more difficult to find than here, and/or it is even emptier
It looks like especially 'artists-from-tumblr' should be able to find their place there.
Seemingly strike related, Variety reports that The Peripheral season two is not going ahead after all.
#ChloëGraceMoretz #ThePeripheral
Gidi Kroon
in reply to Gidi Kroon • •#LindsayArmaou #B*Witched