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I should know better than to fill in a contact form on a website after the faq's didn't answer my question. I should have known that I would just get a mail quoting those very same faq's that I had just read.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

I'm wondering how much these websites know that this just translates as they don't want my business.

Any demon they vanquish just comes back some seasons later, I don't know why they even bother.

The Clear View cover of my phone failed after five years of loyal service, so I decided the phone will have to go commando from now on and fend for itself.

A photoshoot is when you put up a photo of someone you don't like and try to hit it with a bow and arrow.

People who are comfortable taking a picture of themselves should probably not be and some who aren't, should.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

I am very much in the am not / should not category, but we live in a visual age.

Things I can't do:

  • lie
  • swear
  • be angry

These are missing circuits in my brain.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

I'm aware of the Red Dwarf episode where the subject was that the ability to lie is essential for social interaction (not necessarily the lying itself, but the ability).

Using an external display, with mouse and keyboard, on my phone (over USB-C) is a neat experience. It works fine; typing this now with a physical keyboard on my phone, and it even charges the phone while I do it. Portrait mode, and landscape mode work, even Samsung DEX for the whole desktop experience.

Each time I upgrade Docker, I get new courgettes on my desktop.

Imagine having the superpower to heal anybody, but when the person you love with all your heart is mortally wounded you can't because the sheer panic of losing her consumes you completely.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Story idea that I realised I would never make into a story due to lack of time.

If searching for perfection is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Leo angrily to Piper in #Charmed: " wanna freeze me in bed for your own personal pleasures that's fine, but...". Wow, tmi much?

in reply to Gidi Kroon

So if I were to do portrait photography with that camera, which I don't, I would need to walk into the next room and aim to take the photo through the open door.

US court case SH/AJ

The US putting on quite a show now, to try to rival the UK one a few days ago:

Judge: It seems absurd to instruct you again that you must tell the truth while you testify, yet here I am
Judge: This is not your show
Judge: Just because you claim to think something is true, doesn't make it true. It does not protect you

(See The Washington Post on Twitter:…)

And this was not even the big bombshell that was dropped just now: there's proof he's lying since his own attorney sent all his email (and phone?) messages of the past two years to the other party, by accident.

"with midnight arriving 1.59 milliseconds sooner than expected"

I felt that.

When I'll turn 104 years old, I'll receive a notification that a poll I voted in has just ended. Will I remember what it is about?
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Though it seems that 'this poll ends in 52 years' is what Pleroma sets if there is no end date on a poll. So apparently the end of times is defined as 52 years from now...
in reply to Gidi Kroon

@Gidi Kroon there is a saying here which says that if the world ends, one should be in Vienna because everything happens 50 years later there... Maybe there is a relation?

It's become clear the Russian army is targeting civilians in Ukraine.

I'm still not over Dove Cameron deleting all her old songs. I really went to that playlist a lot and now I can't.

Are American channel names really that weird or is it something like those 555 phone numbers? E.g. here in Europe one of the radio channels I listen to most is called Studio Brussel, while in tv shows it's often like 'listen to KWXTERDDSRSTUDIDYTIYTDDTUI FM!'
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Three local radio stations I sometimes listen to, although not often because american radio is garbage: WYEP WDVE WESA. Yup it's true.

WagathaChristie court case, UK celeb stuff

Never has anyone won a court case more decisively I think.

R: You're an X
V: That's libel! I take you to court!
Judge: But you are an X.
Judge: Can't be libel if it's true. Also, the statements you gave in court were lies. Also, the evidence that was mysteriously lost, you destroyed it.

(paraphrased of course)

Ah, to have lived with a rock over your head all these years.

I switched off the twitter cards plugin on my site and now the twitter cards are no longer working. I wonder whether there's a connection.

The plugin was not maintained and also switching it back on didn't fix the cards according to the validator, so I leave it off. I guess I'll just have to adapt the theme myself.

Unknown parent

Gidi Kroon
@Mary Mara's Kitten Bakery It's when you add a link to a site, e.g. a news article, in a tweet and twitter shows it with a preview of the site, usually a photo with a title and a description. The thing is that twitter can't know what to show in that preview card, so each site contains hidden codes to tell twitter what to show in the twitter card for that site. Facebook also shows previews of links, but needs different hidden codes. And there are several other systems too... So each site ends up with quite a lot of hidden configuration just to make all these social networks work.

#MirandaCosgrove posted this photo on her Instagram, with the caption:

"So excited to announce that we are starting Season 3 of @iCarly! Can’t wait to get back to work with my people ❤️ Thanks for watching 💕"

So yay, new #iCarly! And great photo!

Miranda Cosgrove posted this photo on her Instagram, with the caption:

So excited to announce that we are starting Season 3 of @icarly! Can’t wait to get back to work with my people ❤️ Thanks for watching 💕

So yay, new iCarly! And great photo!

in reply to Gidi Kroon

So if Paramount+ were to start broadcasting where I live I could be really happy and actually see it.

Online advice things often talk about having insecurities and how to deal with them. But I don't think I have insecurities, I'm having clarity.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

It's always about people thinking they are too ugly and boring to socialise with other people, then the advice is aimed at showing you're not ugly and boring. That's great if you indeed aren't, but I'm sure there's still a place in this world for those of us that are.

I'm trying the #Hinge dating app. I'm at setting up my profile and uploaded 6 photos. Now it only gives me this screen, can't go back or forward. I've tapped everywhere. Already tried closing the app and restarting. The purple button is to skip and gives a warning that your profile won't work if you do that.

Now what? Anybody knows how this screen works?

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Ok, uninstalling/reinstalling fixes this (or just remove data). So I'm using it now. Next problem is that the only women on this app are in far away countries...

Just rewatched The Fountain with Rachel Weisz. I had seen it decades ago, ok just over one decade ago, but remembered nothing of it. I just remember the feeling of pride that I understood something of it, which doesn't happen often. Now, I either understand something different, or am more used to this type of film, or am missing something I should actually have understood, but it seemed rather obvious how the timelines were linked. It was very beautifully done, I liked seeing it and love these types of concept films.

Trying to swipe right on Instagram posts, only to be faced with my own face.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

(A bit of a lie, this is only on my tablet. On my phone I have camera and microphone permissions refused for the Instagram app, so I'll only get the popups. I'm not convinced Instagram wasn't listening to conversations.)

Pleroma when receiving a picture from Socialhome: let's show it twice(*), just in case.
Pleroma when receiving a picture from Friendica: let's show it three times(**), must be important.

(*) once the inline picture, again as the attachment, because it doesn't recognise the picture is already shown inline.
(**) same, but also as link preview because the Friendica inline preview image has a link to the full image, which Pleroma thinks it needs to generate another preview for.

(I understand how this happens so no complaint, a rule like 'don't show an attachment already shown inline' was never claimed to be implemented and may not even be possible. That Mastodon correctly shows the picture once is just because it can't show inline images at all)

I walked around a bit this evening. When I was walking along an empty road, a flock of gulls kept following me circling over my head very loudly. I was thinking to myself this would be very worrying if they were vultures, but now it's just weird. I've understood this gull behaviour is when they're hunting for baby ducks and are trying to disperse the parent ducks, but I'm neither a baby duck nor a parent duck.

I understand that content warnings don't work in Friendica for your own posts, while they do work for other people's posts. The argument seems to be that you don't need to be warned for content you wrote yourself.

But by that same argument, should your own posts appear in the network timeline at all?

Who will win, the sound of my phone, the neighbour's sound system or the neighbourhood dog?

Narrator: It's the dog.

"Journalists were actually actively looking for the contrarians."

Hence the problems.

If 999 out of 1000 scientists say sane environmental things and 1 is paid to believe the opposite, a journalist presenting both sides equally is not presenting a valid picture.…

I must have missed that when we signed up for the internet the form said that your task as internet citizen is to go and judge peoples' appearances.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

So this young woman posts a photo with her friend. Random internet stranger writes 'the one on the right is a hottie'. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that the profile page he's writing this on is of 'the one on the right'. But it seems clear that he has no concept of the people on the other end of his keyboard being actual human beings.

There are no words. How do you ever make it good again to those kids?
#SesamePlace #sesamestreet

#BabyPaige & her cute lil friends went to @SesamePlace this weekend to celebrate Paige's 4th birthday & this is how #SesamePlace treated these beautiful Black children. I'm HOT.