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Sometimes I look up the strangest things. This time, driven by annoyance that films increasingly aren't distributed in my country, I looked up how much it would cost to be a film distributor, expecting it to be millions. Turns out it's free? There are different models and some expectations, but in one model you pay the production 30% of gross revenue without an upfront fee. You pay for marketing and investment in e.g. producing a batch of dvds, but what if you don't? Don't (agree to) do any marketing and just stick the file on a server, or use manufacture-on-demand.

Sure for streaming it may cost 100000 to millions per film (what I read). And sure they would expect you to do marketing. And maybe subtitles are nice. And film ratings. And packaging.

And for a production company, even if a film is still looking for a distributor in a territory, signing a single media deal for that territory would loose them the ability to later sign with a real distributor that wants to have all (cinema, dvd, digital, streaming, tv, film clubs, etc).

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Also, it seems you could run an 'online film club' ( / private Netflix) legally for around £80 per film. (Let's say around 100 €/$)

Stephanie Leonidas being super mysterious as usual, but she finished filming something. That's it, that's the news.…
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Still waiting for films she made five years and eight years ago to get released outside the UK, or on dvd, so I should probably not get too excited.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

This photo she posted may or may not be from the same thing, but this is also about her wrapping on a film project. I don't know which one.

IMDb lists an upcoming project called A Very Venice Romance and that could be this. They say it releases next month already, 30 September.

This is apparently extremely common in Canada, but I thought it was an April Fool's screwdriver when I first saw this picture.

Hey European & American friends who use tools and do building, repairs, DIY – are Robertson screws common in your area?

Are Robertson screwdrivers common in European toolboxes?

In Canada I suspect that 99% of people who have tools would have Robertson screwdrivers in their toolbox. At least the red & green (#2, #1) sizes. The more intrepid will have the yellow and black (#0, #3) sizes too.

#DIY #tools #carpentry #joinery #Question

Poll to follow…

More Helena Bonham Carter, from blu-ray, in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. As I remember, she's the bride.…
#HelenaBonhamCarter #Frankenstein #MaryShelleysFrankenstein #NowWatching

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Somehow we have to believe that Kenneth Branagh is the son of Cherie Lunghi (eight years difference), and grew up as children together with Helena Bonham Carter (six years difference).
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Her character is more forceful than you'd expect a female character to be in this kind of role, maybe helped by having a female author. It seems to be Helena's thing: choose a role that isn't lead by events but who drives the narrative, then in her acting drive it even more.
#HelenaBonhamCarter #MaryShelleysFrankenstein

I don't know anything about baseball and I don't know whether it really was a strike as someone said, but if a celebrity first throw is at least caught by the catcher, I think it's a good thing. Well done Chloë. If I were to throw it it would go in such a random direction they wouldn't be able to find the ball again.

Instagram stories:……
#ChloëGraceMoretz #Mets

Examples of how AI enforces stereotypes, in this Instagram reel:… By London Interdisciplinary School (LIS), h/t Jasmin Savoy.

I'm old enough to remember the time when you had to phone a package delivery service to hold your package because you were going to pick it up yourself, and the person on the phone audibly climbed into the back of the truck, rummaged around until they proclaimed 'I've got it!'.

Who needs websites.

feld reshared this.

Visual effects workers may also be unionising, beginning with those that work production-side at Marvel films and shows.

I agree with this post, but it is also a nice example of a dark pattern: I see four options instead of the two options mentioned in the alt text...

Logged into LinkedIn for the first time in months, and I feel like this says it all

First thing you see

"Do you want a new job?

A) Yes

B) Yes, but not right now"

The concept of being content with your current job, and *not wanting to career climb* seems utterly anathema to the modern corporate world, and I feel like that explains a lot about where we're at.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

the four options
  • 'yes'
  • 'no, but I'm open'
  • 'x' (i.e. 'no, go away')
  • don't click anything, just scroll your feed

Another miniseries, two parts this time, with Helena Bonham Carter this time: Merlin. I like these different retellings of the Arthur/Merlin legends. And I like seeing Helena. In this she plays the witch Morgan, and they've tried with special makeup effects to make her look ugly, which is of course impossible.

I've seen this before on tv, now from my dvd.

Merlin (1998)
#HelenaBonhamCarter #Merlin #NowWatching

in reply to Gidi Kroon

"We thought we'd come in the traditional way: through the door."

"It's customary to open it first."

Why is this rain cloud blocking the sun I was sitting in?

Since it's such dreary weather outside, I'm watching A Room with a View so at least someone has something nice to look at outside. It's a film with Helena Bonham Carter of a long time ago. I've seen it before, but I have it on blu-ray now. It's one of her costume dramas.

Just looking through her massive list of films, I think I've seen a significant part of them. Including some of the unknown ones, some so long ago that I can't remember the plot...

A Room with a View (1986)
#HelenaBonhamCarter #RoomWithAView

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Helena plays this costume drama heroine so refreshingly. She's immediately a strong opinionated young woman who is not afraid of her chaperone.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

This Lucy Honeychurch is really a different kind of woman than you'd expect in a costume drama, the opposite of demure. I love how Helena Bonham Carter plays her, as a true independent spirit.

Another dvd to watch: a three part miniseries which is one of the first things I saw Emilia Fox in. Not the first, but it is of long ago. Shooting the Past is about the world of photo archives. I've seen it before and it's quite interesting, mainly character based.…
#EmiliaFox #ShootingThePast

in reply to Gidi Kroon

And yes, that's Timothy Spall again. Not surprising since he's in everything.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

It may be about photo archives, and beautifully shows the stories even in otherwise unremarkable pictures, but it is also about loss and grief. It's very much the moment a doctor gives you a terminal prognosis and you want to just not accept it, but then in a metaphor of photography.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Life is Sweet (1990)
That scene between Nicola and her mother is one of the best dialogue scenes in films ever. In a sense everything in the film before that leads up to that dialogue.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Played this from my own dvd since it's so not available for streaming, rental or buying digitally that it doesn't even have a JustWatch entry (in my country). Most other films I look up there just say 'not available', suggesting they are available in other countries or were available at some point in the past.

Owning dvd's may seem old fashioned, but is still the only way.

I can't figure out how to upload videos on Friendica, but I have found out that I did figure it out twice before on this server. But then forgot. Trying to replicate what I did then I can now upload it, even select it for inclusion in a post, but it doesn't show up in the post. Even if a previous post still shows the video player...

Just watched a film called Hide and Seek which is an American remake of an Asian film called Hide and Seek, neither of which are the film called Hide and Seek that I wanted to see.

It could be a case study in how not to write a film, and as such have some merit. Still interesting enough to sit through it once, though.

The suffix "The Movie" means 'the same, but slower'.

I'm thinking of what moderation rules I would set if I were to set them for some microblogging server. I'd do something sensible and normal like have specific rules that only apply to replies, like: no reaction gifs, no links, no photos, no changing the topic and no evangelising ('have you tried rust/mastodon'). Each top level post is in my mind a new forum with strict rules against off-topic messages or posts that don't contribute anything new.

But more than that I would want replies to be hidden by default. With the original poster being the moderator of this microforum. Maybe able to set the no-links etc rules per post.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Also: it would be illegal to reply to a post with a link to an article, without reading the article. (Twitter is already doing something like this!)

Also: a reply should take at least as much effort as the original post. When you reply to something quicker than someone took to post it, or write the blog, you will be automatically locked out of your account for the remainder of the time.

Yeah, I'd make completely normal rules.

I guess I'll have to swim to work tomorrow. So much rain tonight.

Jenna Ortega shows her football skills in this clip for Adidas Sportswear and the World Cup. As far as I can tell it's not an edited video. But even if it is, it's fun.…

Some photos of her for the same campaign:

#JennaOrtega #Adidas #AdidasSportswear

in reply to Gidi Kroon

I don't know how to upload and insert a video on Friendica, that's why it's only a link to the reel.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Uploaded the video using a separate account:
[share author='Jenna Ortega fan channel (resharing clips)' profile='' avatar='' link='' posted='2023-08-18 12:29:56' guid='1f16c6da-3864-df64-445b-5ad766653822' message_id='']The World Cup final is soon and Jenna Ortega shows how to do it.

This was part of a photo shoot for Adidas Sportswear, of which she's the brand ambassador.

(I finally found a way to share the video unlisted, in a rather indirect way, using another account and my PeerTube. Original link in video description.)
#JennaOrtega #Football #AdidasSportswear…

It has been confirmed that Scream 7 will happen, but it is not known yet whether Jenna Ortega, or in fact anyone else, returns. These negotiations will probably wait until after the strike.
#JennaOrtega #Scream #Scream7

Odd how in films and tv, search teams never look around corners or into alleyways.

I think organising to harass is always a bad thing, even if the people doing it convinced themselves that the recipient is deserving of such treatment. That's what the other side is telling themselves too.

Did a proper way to follow hashtags on the fediverse already get established? I know of none.

I don't mean where you can pin hashtags in Mastodon or save searches in Friendica, where you get the hashtags your server knows about. I mean actually following hashtags that are 'out there' on other servers.

Link previews on the fediverse used to just take smaller sites down, now I see more and more of those sites implementing rate limiting, so I see link previews like:

and even:

We really need to do something about the fedi-ddos.

Boyfriend: "please don't use any magic"
His witch girlfriend: "of course not, I wouldn't"
Literally five seconds later: total mayhem due to several spells interacting.

I like this series.

Ah yeah, Netscape. Nothing was loading but at least the logo was animated so you knew it wasn't frozen.

Jenna Ortega is, or will be, filming Death of a Unicorn. As an A24 film this is not impacted by the strike (as A24 accepted the union's conditions and the union promotes people working on such projects).

I think this is good news not just because I want to see more Jenna Ortega films, and preferably good ones like A24 usually makes, but also because it provides work for all those other professions that depend on the film industry (catering, drivers, builders) and that would otherwise be impacted by the strike.
#JennaOrtega #DeathOfAUnicorn

An interesting aspect of the US actors strike is that if an independent film accepts the union's proposal, work is allowed there. The same goes for small studios that are not part of the producers organisation with the abbreviation that I can never get right. The idea is that this proves that the union proposal is not unreasonable as the producers claim.

The studio A24 has done just that. Not recently, already a while ago, but this means A24 films are going full steam ahead. Providing income and proving the point. And the coming years may very well be A24's years, since the majority of films out will be theirs. Quite a good consequence of all this.
#A24 #SAGAftra #SAGAftraStrike

The way they migrated to may have broken federation with Friendica for existing (but now suddenly renamed) accounts. Trying again. At least new accounts work fine. They did send out migration messages for the old accounts, but that doesn't work on Friendica, so I have to (try to) re-follow manually.

Also when checking on the site itself I wish I'd knew how to set the UI to English rather than (presumably) Japanese.

The people who make DVDs seem to think everybody watching them is watching an illegal copy, with the amount of shaming they do. There's no consideration for the few people like me who legally bought them with their own money.

Now, again, watching the brilliance that is Jenna Ortega in The Fallout. I hope she makes many more films like this. I don't care whether they are super famous film franchises or relatively unknown indies like this, I'll watch it anyway. I'm watching it from my dvd (only a US region coded dvd is available, no blu-ray, no European disc).
#JennaOrtega #TheFallout #NowWatching

So weird how Friendica's link preview insists on using the middle link of the three, again. Even when the preview in the post screen shows the last link.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Not complaining about the full screen Felicity this results in.

Now watching series four of The Worst Witch, aka series one (and only) of Weirdsister College, aka the one where Felicity Jones is back. They're now at college, Mildred and Ethel have to room together and go head to head. I remember this series to be more intense and deeper than the previous ones. I'm playing this from my own (German) discs.
#FelicityJones #TheWorstWitch #WeirdsisterCollege…
in reply to Gidi Kroon

One of the episodes on this dvd has the wrong audio track, of another episode. So I had to watch it with the German dub instead.

Now watching Scream VI in 4k from my disc. I saw it in the cinema when it came out and watching Jenna Ortega in this film was such an experience, she's so good. But when has she ever not been at the top of her game? Never. What also stood out to me about this film is that it's a horror with properly fleshed out characters, with everybody doing a good job.
#JennaOrtega #ScreamVI #Scream6 #Scream #NowWatching…

Mazzy Star is the music of my youth (only played on MTV Europe in their after midnight show Post Modern) and I thought I had all of their old and newer albums, and all of Hope Sandoval's albums as well, but I don't have this one (apparently from 2001). Thanks @Chris Trottier for the trigger to do something about that.

Hope Sandoval & The Warm Inventions - Suzanne (4:54)

This is the last song of the set and I thought we’d end on a hazy, beautiful song that sends us off for the night. By the way, Hope Sandoval was the vocalist for Mazzy Star. But this is my favourite song done by her.…