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While you wait for those #ScreamMovie reviews to pour in ...

@jennaortega gave me some spoiler-free insight into filming one of the trailer's big scenes!

Upgraded Pleroma to the newest version. Thanks to its upgrade instructions having been really stable over time, the script I created a while ago made it a breeze.

It's nothing special, just this:


pushd ~pleroma/pleroma \
&& sudo -u pleroma MIX_ENV=prod -s -- eval 'git pull -q && mix deps.get && mix compile' \
&& sudo systemctl stop pleroma \
&& sudo -u pleroma MIX_ENV=prod -s -- eval 'mix ecto.migrate' \
&& sudo systemctl start pleroma \
&& popd

Obviously I back up first, with another script.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

The #pleroma backup script is less universally useful I guess, just for completeness:


export PGHOST=<redacted>
export PGDATABASE=<redacted>
export PGUSER=<redacted>

timestamp=$(date +%F_%H%M) \
&& pg_dump -w --format=custom -f ~admin/backups/pleroma_prod-${timestamp}.pgdump \
&& sudo tar zcvf ~admin/backups/config-pleroma-${timestamp}.tgz \
        --ignore-failed-read \
        /etc/letsencrypt/{live,archive}/ \
        /etc/systemd/system/pleroma.service \
        /etc/nginx/sites-available/ \
        ~pleroma/pleroma/config/prod.secret.exs \
        ~pleroma/pleroma/config/vm.args \
        ~pleroma/pleroma/instance/static \
        ~admin/bin \
&& aws s3 mv ~admin/backups/pleroma_prod-${timestamp}.pgdump s3://<redacted> \
&& aws s3 mv ~admin/backups/config-pleroma-${timestamp}.tgz s3://<redacted>
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Note that this script does not backup uploaded media. This is because media is on s3 and handled there.

Oh wow. The test whether having rss feeds set as external self accounts on a #Friendica forum, would result in that forum automatically distributing feed items to members, succeeded. Ideal for a news based forum!

(and thanks to a certain actress having lots of news today on the various entertainment sites)

I'm sorry for the content in this channel being almost exclusively Jenna Ortega at the moment and I'd gladly share news of the other actresses I follow, but there's just so many projects of her now that the others really need to step up...

And here the trailer for the film X, which looks amazing!

I'm sorry for the content in this channel being almost exclusively Jenna Ortega at the moment and I'd gladly share news of the other actresses I follow, but there's just so many projects of her now that the others really need to step up... Here a Nylon interview with amazing photos.
#JennaOrtega #NylonMagazine…

Ghostface sits down backstage with #ScreamMovie star @jennaortega to ask about her biggest fear, her favorite behind-the-scenes memory from the film & more!



Gidi Kroon reshared this.

The trailer for #X comes out tomorrow. The trailer for #Studio666 comes out today. Both are films with #JennaOrtega. Also, #Scream (2022) comes out in the US this Friday and #TheFallout on HBO Max on 27 January.

Busy busy...

Yep, pushed back to 3 Feb (Dutch cinemas). Also no sign here of The Fallout, which will be released everywhere on 27 Jan (hbomax + cinemas), with everywhere probably meaning everywhere but here.
#JennaOrtega #ScreamMovie #TheFallout

So Scream (2022) will be in Dutch cinemas 20 January. Though I guess it will be pushed back further due to covid. This is the Scream with Jenna Ortega. Time to watch Scream (1996) to get ready for the event. It's on Ziggo now.
#JennaOrtega #Scream #ScreamMovie

I'm looking up when I followed some training course and my memory says it was 'recently' and 'near the end of the year'. This portal however says it was February 2021. Who to believe?

I'm experimenting with having Friendica media stored on S3 rather than locally. Natively rather than with s3fs. There are some reasons why I think this may not have good performance. But it seems to be holding up so far, on the test server at least.

These were test posts to see how Friendica media storage on S3 is holding up. So far so good.

Gonna share some posts from my test server to see whether it all comes crashing down.

Missy, a member of the public: And you know how much I hate it when people keep meddling their noses in my affairs.
Frank, the local cop: Yes mam. That I do.

So Scream (2022) will be in Dutch cinemas 20 January. Though I guess it will be pushed back further due to covid. This is the Scream with Jenna Ortega. Time to watch Scream (1996) to get ready for the event. It's on Ziggo now.
#JennaOrtega #Scream #ScreamMovie
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Ah, the 'helpless' act. "But who's gonna drive me home" she says while sitting in her very own car with her very own 'Missy' license plates on it.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Missy is a properly intriguing character, played very well by Neve Campbell. I like this kind of film. Normally when a woman character in a film is the victim of things, she's portrayed all through the film as having a victim-like personality. Missy is not portrayed like that at all (most men in the film are scared of her), so you catch yourself as viewer questioning things and then questioning your preconceptions as a film should.
#LostJunction #NeveCampbell

The goal is that the people who deny there is a problem can eventually say 'see, panic over nothing'.

Today is the day that #ChloëGraceMoretz 's #MotherAndroid is on Netflix. Guess what I'm watching now.

I missed when it happened, but #guppe is now at the "" address. Adjust your groups as needed.

For those who don't know, it is a server where you can make groups by just mentioning them in a post. Anybody who subscribes to such a group receives all the posts that have that name tagged. A bit like subscribing to a hashtag, but in the fediverse hashtags don't federate, so that doesn't work; this does.

reshared this

Dafne Keen looking back to yesterday when it was her 17th birthday, which I missed because I'm an idiot and thought it was today. Well, I've not really booted up yet this year, so what'd you expect.

Happy Birthday for yesterday and also already for next year! Hope to get His Dark Materials S3 soon.
#DafneKeen #HisDarkMaterials

Photo source here, by Begona Rivas.

"Your battery is low"

Quick! Do something to cheer it up!

Others will “just ask questions”, which is usually just a way of spreading conspiracy theories while maintaining plausible deniability. Others will “flood the zone” with so much contradictory information that people start to doubt whether an objective truth even exists at all.

This plan to decarbonise by using gas power plants is a bit like decarbonising the ground and putting it into the air.

BBC News - EU plans to label gas and nuclear energy 'green' prompt row…

Who knew, free certificates with dns validation and automatic renewal if used for a free (up to some limit anyway) cdn... Anyway, PeerTube is now upgraded to v4 and the videos moved to S3 object storage. I initially messed up CORS, of course, as always, but it works now. And I didn't even want to use a CDN, but it is the only way to use a CNAME instead of the bucket address and still use https instead of http.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

This was mainly a note to self: I am looking for free wildcard certificates that automatically refresh, and the let's encrypt ones don't (easily, safely) refresh when using dns validation. The amazon ones do, and are free under certain conditions. This may work for me.

A reminder, a mild case of Omicron may not be mild in the people you spread it to.

May in 2022 the people who want the pandemic and lockdowns to end get vaccinated so the people who already are vaccinated because they wanted these to end as well can get on with their lives.

A sign that you're too old to be using #TikTok: when you have to take off your glasses to watch the video.

I like that #Tiktok doesn't even allow DMs to be open. It's either fully off or followed people only.

#Instagram however only allows you to switch off DM notifications, they are always open.

Trying to read the cookie policy to dismiss the cookie wall, but the cookie wall doesn't allow it...

🧵 'What's the alternative?!'/'What's your alternative?!'

This question came up several times in the replies to this 🧵 so I'll take it in good faith and answer it. I'll be very clear and explicit so that you won't have to presume what I really mean or want, I'll tell you.

Watching Claire Foy because of Claire Foy. She's in the miniseries A Very British Scandal on the BBC. I missed the first episode, but I already like her character Margaret who has a lot more personality than you'd expect from a Duchess.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Not sure what the scandal of the title is yet, but the facts that she's the third wife of the Duke and that she has her own string of men she goes out with may have something to do with it.

So Amazon's Alexa would just suggest stuff it 'found on the web'. Most people have wisened up to not trust random websites, not so these smart devices. And Amazon says it fixed it, but only by stopping it from suggesting such challenges. The main problem therefore remains.

BBC News - Alexa tells 10-year-old girl to put penny in plug socket

I'm watching The Girl Before. I keep mixing up the two main actresses, which is sort of the point since these characters are supposed to look like each other and their stories are told in parallel, sometimes even cutting between them in the same scene.
#GuguMbathaRaw #TheGirlBefore
in reply to Gidi Kroon

It's hitting a bit of a limitation of mine. Sometimes I recognise (on tv) someone I wasn't even expecting from their silhouette only, sometimes I don't recognise someone while clearly seeing their face.