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I should now be running the media proxy via a separate domain, which is advisable anyway. The local media were already done via a separate domain years ago so they can be served by cdn.

Weirdly the setting for using a separate domain for the remote media proxy applies immediately, to old posts and new. While the setting for local media applies to new posts only; old posts keep having their old url in their html content blob. Further weirdly, sometimes old posts with local media get captured by the remote proxy as well.

Preview media, whether remote or local, always goes via the remote media proxy, bypassing your cdn.

I was first thinking about writing about a blogpost about how to make these settings, but I’m still too confused myself.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

in reply to Gidi

I still need to figure out how to do similar things on Friendica. On Pleroma, PeerTube and WordPress I can host the site myself and offload local media serving to CDN, but on Friendica there is no such easy setting...
in reply to Gidi

Somewhere between 2 and 5 March 2021 a change happened that posts before that date don’t have their local media captured by the remote media proxy, while posts made after that date do, until between Oct 2021 and Jan 2022 it started to use the proper CDN url. All of them are on S3, so that isn’t the difference. What I don’t like is that some of these urls seem hardcoded in the stored html content of the posts; same gripe I have with WordPress.