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A tip if you're visiting a website that does overuse lambdas and cdn's for cropping and downscaling their images, i.e. every commercial website: right click or long tap the photo, select open in new tab, edit url, remove anything that is like 'width' or 'crop' and hit enter.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Example of doing that. The original photo loads as 681x383 pixels. When you edit the url by clicking the pencil icon, you see the parameters ?w=681&h=383&crop=1. Remove that. Click to load that address instead. You'll see that the non-downscaled photo is also on the site and is much larger: 4541x2564 pixels.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Such a waste of storage space for something no-one (but me) ever gets to see. They pay for storage, for the serverless processing and for the cdn to limit the amount of serverless processing.