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Twitter link-out ban

Wow, Twitter now disallows all links to other social media, including Instagram and Facebook, also to non-social media sites like linktree, including just mentioning handles without link or giving a plaintext description of your link or handle.

What is still allowed, is automatic crossposting to Twitter from the other site and including a link like that.

I guess putting your social media handles on your own site, and putting your own site in your bio's, is the way to go.

How they see the difference between automatic crossposting to Twitter with link back and on the other hand posting a link out, I don't know. I also don't know why they include linktree in the ban, as it is just like a personal homepage listing your identities.
#Twitter #TwitterLinkOutBan

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Twitter link-out ban
I think they included Linktree because it was effective and popular - there isn’t a reasoned, principled approach - it’s just a way to try to prevent people from fleeing the ship.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Twitter link-out ban
The Instagram account itself remains unbanned on Twitter, even though it clearly exists to promote another platform. And posts links to Instagram content.