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It's good to get the information about the omicron situation from experts, even if the news is bad. Here a thread on Twitter.

My takeaways: a single shot of AstraZeneca gives 0% protection. But 2x Pfizer + Pfizer booster has the same protection we are used to. The latter is what we were going for anyway. Also, the extra doubling rate more than nullifies any reduced illness; in a few days you'll have the same levels of hospitalizations and deaths.

COVID thoughts from cold, Christmas London. TL;DR The Omicron storm clouds are glowering above Europe, but its unclear whether this will just be rain and hail of COVID or rain, hail, tornados and hurricanes of infection and subsequent hospitalisation of COVID.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

For people using software that doesn't show quoted posts properly, looking at you Pleroma, here's the thread link:…