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Is there a good #Pleroma MRF policy for expiring old remote activities that are older than a given interval?
in reply to Sean Tilley

I havent used it a lot but this sounds like a job for the ObjectAge Policy.
in reply to :twiz:

Yeah, maybe. I was initially looking into Activity Expiration, but the wording is a little vague
Adds automatic expiration to all local activities
I only want to target activities that have a remote origin, not stuff that I’ve posted personally.

ObjectAge seems to target incoming posts?
in reply to Sean Tilley

@Sean Tilley I don't know the names from the top of my head, but there's a config setting and a mix task that you can put into crontab. It expires remote posts, but only the objects, not the activities. I use it. Last I heard (a while ago) they were thinking of removing this feature though.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

@Sean Tilley In case it is still relevant:

It is the admin setting Remote post retention days under instance:

then the prune_objects mix task as the pleroma user:

cd ~/pleroma/ && MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.database prune_objects

It seems I've scheduled this long ago and forgot about it by having the following in /etc/cron.d/pleroma:


12 3 * * * pleroma { cd ~/pleroma && MIX_ENV=prod mix pleroma.database prune_objects && echo "Objects pruned" ; } 2>&1 | logger -t pleroma-cron