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Only 10 #activityPub projects have more than 10k users.

Most new projects struggle with getting attention and visibility.

I think bigger projects should play a more pro-active role in acknowledging, and if possible, mentoring new/smaller projects.
in reply to dansup

Ever since I started Pixelfed, I've felt like this.
in reply to dansup

Just recently fallen in love with Pixelfed now that the networks are connected and discover goes beyond your own instance. I'm so looking forward to seeing what you do with it in the future.
in reply to dansup

what big projects can do to foster smaller ones is sticking as close as possible to the ActivityPub spec. If not in the activities they produce, at least in the ones they receive.

The biggest problem I see at the moment is that every project is trying to implement the mistakes Mastodon made.
in reply to marius

@Marius Orcsik this may or may not be what you mean, but my biggest gripe: ActivityPub is html by default yet here we are, all typing text only tweets.

Lukas Fuchsgruber reshared this.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

that's only partly true. An AP object can have a Source property where the client can encode the original format for the Content. I use it to pass the original markdown users input, so clients that might want to implement their own rendering can do so.
in reply to dansup

Well I don't need to be mentored by Gargron, but it would be nice to know why my avatar doesn't show up on his system, despite following the ActivityPub protocol. #Epicyon
in reply to dansup

linking is good, we should make it a strong tradition in #4opens #openweb projects :)
Unknown parent

sorry, maybe I was a bit harsh. What I meant by "mistakes" are just the idiosyncrasies of Mastodon. Some of the things that I know of and people usually try to emulate are: webfinger for actor discovery, treating all objects as being of type Note (as far as I know there's no graceful fallback for types Mastodon doesn't use natively), local caching of all objects and media, etc.
in reply to marius

to further answer your question: I don't know if anyone ever compiled a list of these.
in reply to clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛

Media caching is fine and a service to the community as long as one keeps in mind that cache invalidation is one of the Two Difficult Things.
This entry was edited (2 years ago)
in reply to clacke: inhibited exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛

honestly I disagree with this as a general rule if your job is not to be a cache or a proxy. I would maybe agree for a service that obeys the caching mechanisms of HTTP, but probably not even then.
in reply to dansup

Great point. Any smaller / upcoming ones you can think of that could use more visibility?
in reply to Matt Baer

Bonfire, GotoSocial, Bookwyrm are a few off the top of my head.

Still need to add a few to
in reply to dansup

Bonfire looks really interesting and something I hope can be as good as they are hoping.
in reply to dansup

> Only 10 #activityPub projects have more than 10k users.

Which 10? Are there more than 10 that are have AP federation fully functional?
in reply to Strypey

I assume these ten:
Fedidb screenshot, listing Mastodon, PeerTube, Pixelfed, Pleroma, WriteFreely, Lemmy, Juick, Plume, Friendica, GNU Social

judging by . Though I don't know how useful these numbers are. E.g. Juick I hadn't heard of before, claims to have 18k users in total on just one server, but only 1k of those have done anything the last six months. There are more functional Activitypub implementations on that page though.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Friendica uses PHP not activitypub, pretty sure the same is true for gnusocial
in reply to Gidi Kroon

juick appears to be a mostly Russian platform from the looks of it, as I can't find squat about it in English.
in reply to dansup

True that, but it is hard to maintain all and take the time to discover thé rest. (most libre project are entirely held alive by more or less one people)

time to put some light on worthy things, like
i also want to see more spot light on bridges made with the fediverse and ways to help regular people move in, not only beard white cis guys with free time, money, and tech literacy
in reply to dansup

@dansup Is anyone working on a ticktock alternative? Sort of like a hybrid of peertube and pixelfed? Or is pixelfed hoping to fill that space?