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Dutchies: If you were born before 2005 you can now make an afspraak for a boosterprik 🦠💉🎉
in reply to Gidi Kroon

I was reading the discussion with the GGD while waiting my 15 min after getting my herhaalprik today. Ik ben 46 jaar oud en ik werk niet voor de zorg 🤷🏻
in reply to ⛵️holly 🇺🇸➡️🇯🇵

The discussion on twitter, that is. Got my appointment via the official website yesterday (and I put in my correct info).
in reply to Hans van Zijst

@gidi @wmd Except no! They just turned my partner away! Same age as me, also not in the zorg, got his appointment the same way.. just a different site :/ So might be luck of the draw if they honor your appointment.