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TIL: I can wirelessly browse the photos on my camera using my phone and download the photos, even when it (the camera) is physically turned off.

Bird. I don't know about brands.

Canon EOS R10, RF 100-400mm F5.6-8 IS USM, 400mm, F8, 1/1000s, ISO 640.
#Photography #Bird

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in reply to Gidi Kroon

yep, Bixby is right. The red spot on the bottom differentiates them from the regular "bonte specht"

Taking an interest in local affairs. The Moon.

Canon EOS R10, RF 100-400mm F5.6-8 IS USM, 400mm, F8, 1/30s, ISO 100. Auto-focus subject tracking, tripod, 10s delay, manual exposure, daylight whitebalance, cropped.
#Photography #Moon

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in reply to Gidi Kroon

There's only a small gap between the trees where the Moon could be seen from my balcony, so I had to set this up quickly. Otherwise I may have had more time to increase the sharpness, maybe with manual focus, maybe with remote control, maybe with faster shutter speeds and higher iso. I did take multiple exposures and some already had out-of-focus leaves smeared over the Moon. It's interesting how quickly heavenly bodies move seen through 400mm. Though I think some lower exposure shots might be better than this one, I still have to check on my pc. This was just cropped on camera and sent to my phone.

It feels like yesterday but last year Mia Shanks impressed me with her first single Yesterday. Today, on her birthday, she announces her second single The Sound Of It. I'm really excited. We'll know the sound of it on 27 September.

#MiaShanks #TheSoundOfIt

So if you tell the Canon EOS R10 auto-focus system to focus on Saturn it's like, ok, I've got it.

Admittedly, it's very vague and it's a tiny crop from the whole photo, it being barely a spec of light, but the photo is taken with a budget camera with a budget lens and it is Saturn and the auto-focus did acquire focus. No telescope involved.
#Photography #Saturn

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in reply to Gidi Kroon

Specs: camera Canon EOS R10, lens RF 100-400mm F5.6-8 IS USM, at 400mm, F8, 1/20s, ISO 100, tripod, IS off, 10s delay, white balance daylight, manual mode, AF one-shot. Cropped heavily.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Note that Saturn is visible with the naked eye currently during the night due to being close in its rotation and being opposite the sun. This doesn't happen often. The rings should be visible with any kind of magnification, but I had no luck with my binoculars.

I may have repaired my dishwasher by cleaning it. I was operating under the theory that a dishwasher, being a machine that cleans, can't get dirty on the inside, but that turns out not to be true. Years of gunk buildup apparently gets in the way of smooth operation.