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uspol, non-serious
There's enough time to organise recall elections in some districts, flip some seats, and have Jeffries elected as speaker. Seems the only way to un-stalemate this thing.

oldguycrusty reshared this.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

uspol, non-serious
They are going to nominate Gandalf (T) next.

Ginny & Georgia season 2 is out today on Netflix. The trailer had a glimpse of Katie Douglas, so she's in it. But probably again with little screen time like the previous season. But knowing Katie she's going to make it count, again like previous season.

The series itself is totally worth watching, don't let my Katie focus suggest otherwise.
#GinnyAndGeorgia #KatieDouglas

Fear The Walking Dead season 7 has become available on Amazon Prime. This may sound like old news for those in other countries, but this is really how long we have to wait.

I'm now starting episode 6. So far this season of the (at least) three actresses I follow the series for, one could already be seen in a glimpse and had about one line, another had a good episode but was only in that one episode, and the other may not be in this season at all but is talked about.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

I have a problem with the character of Morgan. Not that he always wants to help everybody no matter what, that I like, but that whenever a woman does something on her own he sets himself the task of rescuing her, whether she's in danger or not and whether she wants him to or not. Sometimes the writers make her be in danger by the time he gets to her, making him look like the hero. But it's more that he believes (the writers do) that a woman can't do anything by herself.

uspol, ukpol, non-serious, intentional misunderstanding, sm

Those politicians in the US should do what they do in the UK: take out the whip. What do you say? They 'withdraw the whip'? Well, if that is what motivates them.

(Points if you based on the cw already knew where this was going)

When a film starts and the first six credits are all male actors, I'm switching channels. No time for that. It happens more than 1.6% of the time.

Actually I'm also done with the superhero films with one token female character even if she's supposed to be one of the superheroes too.

It's rather scary when a rather literal writer writes something and I as a rather literal reader understand it one way, to see that most other people have a very emotional response to it, having understood it in a completely different way.

Scary because I'm afraid this could unintentionally happen to something I post.

I think I said this before: I don't write between the lines. The meaning is only where the ink goes.

I see some well meaning advice for people used to Twitter that 'here' you need to 'boost' instead of 'like' because there's no algorithm to have these likes translate into views.

Firstly, there's only an algorithm on Twitter if you wanted that. You could just as easily use Twitter with the algorithm disabled, so that's not the differentiating factor. If you chose to run Twitter with the algorithm enabled, this place is likely not going to work for you.

Secondly, you're still thinking about trying to maximise views and chasing clout. That you appreciate a post is between you and its author, no further audience is needed. Just reblog what you want your followers to see because it fits the aesthetic of your page, just send a like for other posts you appreciate so the author knows.

It's so weird that schools in my country have things like a 'prom' too now, because everybody sees it in the films and assumes it's a tradition. This totally didn't exist in my day.

Between this account and several test accounts there's only one account where the new follower notification is working. And it's not this one. I can't spot the difference.

Happy Birthday @DafneKeen!

Today Dafne Keen turns 18, which means "Logan" is now 7 years ago. She's a very talented Spanish/British actress. Unlike Lyra, Dafne did not sleep through growing up, making the great "His Dark Materials".

Happy Birthday Dafne!

Today Dafne Keen turns 18, which means Logan is now 7 years ago. She's a very talented Spanish/British actress who, unlike Lyra, did not sleep through growing up, making the great His Dark Materials.

Ana is not out yet where I live 😒. She's currently filming Star Wars: The Acolyte.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

So many stunts she does herself, including some big ones. While 11yo. I think that by then she was already well versed in aerial silks, which is one of her hobbies outside of acting. Photography being a recent other one.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

She's so good. That scene near the end where they're sharing the same dark thoughts. That scene in the middle where she has that outburst at Logan. Actually, I happen to know she improvised that one(*), not on the day but during her final audition. It's on the blu-ray extras and the look on his face of 'what is happening' was very real.

(*) Can you imagine, I say it again, 11 years old, having done your audition, probably acing it because, Dafne, and then turn to all those studio execs and ask: 'Can I do it again? But this time improvise it?'

Reminder that despite your private ssh keys being nicely tucked away in the .ssh folder of your very own home directory (where no-one can get at them, right?) they still need to be encrypted with a password.

(Just read an article about a hack that claimed to be benevolent and just research but in the process uploaded the .ssh folder, likely the .aws file, etc. Interestingly, the hack is not something the user could do much against.)

Why am I getting more out-of-memory events now memory has increased? Current working assumption is that 'some process' starts up and uses memory based on ram totals, rather than ram available, thereby not taking other running processes into account. With small ram sizes this caused small memory usage spikes which were covered by the swapfile. But larger ram, under these assumptions, causes larger spikes, which with a smaller or no swapfile could not be accommodated. But I don't know whether this is right or which process it is.

One argument against running too much stuff on a single resource (server, file share, etc). It's not as easy to assign blame.

I see that for most people 2022 was a year where they could live again. Good.

(Not a complaint, just that for me 'post'-corona-times aren't that different from during-corona-times)

Ran into an IPv4 shortage. Finally. I had a pool of five and had used all five. But then I realised two of these don't really need an IP address from that pool, so now I even have one left. Still not switched to IPv6... (but I may as experiment, at another time)

Anyway, for people looking for where to run a server: the t4g.small (2GB 2vCPU with 20% baseline, ARM) is currently free at Amazon AWS until the end of 2023 (for one instance only and other costs like storage will still apply). Just found this out, other cloud providers are available of course.

When you're busy creating EFS volumes and are interrupted by an email from AWS saying that an action on EFS volumes is required, it takes a while to realise these two things are not related.

(There's a new version of efs-utils you should use to avoid a race-condition. This was communicated earlier and I've already done that, but just now there was an update to the communication.)

Apparently having the worker processes of four unrelated server programs running next to those server programs on the same node is not ideal. No matter how much memory the node has, the out-of-memory killer will eventually kill the web server. It seems that the worker processes look at how much memory is in the machine and use it, not at how much memory is left unused in the machine.

I've reinstated the swapfile and changed the cron schedule of the workers to not happen at the same time anymore. That was a bit optimistic...

reshared this

The thing with mitigating risk is that if you stop doing it things don't fall over immediately giving detractors ample time to argue that your worries were unfounded.

Gidi Kroon reshared this.

"JavaScript heap out of memory"

No! Not you too!

(I didn't even know Javascript also had a heap to run out of)

in reply to Gidi Kroon

yeah… more people _should_ know about. Mainly devs 😜
in reply to Beko Pharm (deprecated)

@Beko Pharm Apparently from nodejs v12 onwards it automatically sets the heap limit dependent on the machine. I guess as a simple user I had sort of assumed everything automagically to be correct, but that's from v12 onwards. The internet says that in browsers you have hardly any control over the max heap setting, while in node.js you can use a command line switch, which is documented as 'not part of the official api so likely to change'. For now it will just be more RAM in the VPS...

I guess I should have known since I did a bit of nodejs development in the past...

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Ah, one of those, where increasing the heap only makes the crash occur later. I know these, I've occasionally made these... Also, by increasing the heap beyond available ram, you can make the crash happen really slowly, due to swapping.

Also upgraded this Friendica, to version 2022.12. It went smooth, though the database update took a bit longer than normal. Normally I don't notice any downtime, now it was busy for a few minutes.

I also enabled the new 'fancybox' add-on, which is very neat!

A platform like tiktok but with negative clout points for failing to lip-sync properly.

Finished The Sandman. Netflix says "More episodes are coming" and I don't know whether it's a threat or not. Anyway, the series is quite variable with great potential. Some bits are really good and series two may be really great. But the show also has some things that annoy me.

A long interview with Jenna Ortega at a screening of Wednesday, during what I think is a fashion show. She talks of course about Wednesday, but also other aspects of her career.

And I also don't know why the video is mostly on its side and why the beginning is edited to be at the end. As far as I can tell, this is the official recording.
#JennaOrtega #WednesdayNetflix #Wednesday…

You could also add alt text to images on Twitter, this is not a specific fediverse thing. If you weren't the person to do that there, but do it here because 'it's the Mastodon way', don't clap yourself on the back but ask yourself why you didn't care over there.

One of the most irritating moments an app can come with their 'please upgrade to premium', 'please verify your email is still correct' and 'please rate this app', especially at the same time, is when you open the app as a share target.

This artist I follow and are on the mailing list of, sent an email with ten hyperlinks to stuff to buy. Of course that ends up in the spam folder...

logging in to a dating app
Single Sign On

reshared this

Doing a poor man's version of Nomadic Identity: just following everybody from two accounts on different servers.
in reply to Paul Jakes

@Paul Jakes I didn't even mean that... But I guess that's also true, as I'm here following the people I'm also following on Twitter...

But I was talking about using both my Pleroma and Friendica accounts to follow the same people, in case one breaks, but also to get migration notifications, which don't work on Friendica.

I'm also on Zap and Osada where channels are technically linked using 'Nomadic Identities' and thought that was similar.

I don't know why the main socials of His Dark Materials are promoting today as being the premiere of series three, since we're already four episodes in, but I guess they have a bit of a UK focus. Anyway, UK people, in about twenty minutes it starts for you on BBC one!

And stick with it, series three takes a few episodes to get into it.

in reply to Gidi Kroon

There are subtitles for the sign language bits! When it was on HBO Max, they just sort of assumed you understood sign language.

Twitter link-out ban

Wow, Twitter now disallows all links to other social media, including Instagram and Facebook, also to non-social media sites like linktree, including just mentioning handles without link or giving a plaintext description of your link or handle.

What is still allowed, is automatic crossposting to Twitter from the other site and including a link like that.

I guess putting your social media handles on your own site, and putting your own site in your bio's, is the way to go.

How they see the difference between automatic crossposting to Twitter with link back and on the other hand posting a link out, I don't know. I also don't know why they include linktree in the ban, as it is just like a personal homepage listing your identities.
#Twitter #TwitterLinkOutBan

in reply to Gidi Kroon

Twitter link-out ban
I think they included Linktree because it was effective and popular - there isn’t a reasoned, principled approach - it’s just a way to try to prevent people from fleeing the ship.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Twitter link-out ban
The Instagram account itself remains unbanned on Twitter, even though it clearly exists to promote another platform. And posts links to Instagram content.

I'm not supporting any of the teams in the world cup final, but the amount of theater by the Argentine players is irritating me.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Football players know we all look at the closeups to see whether there was contact. So putting your leg in front of your opponent's, then 'falling' over it, looks like you're really the victim of a foul.

I started watching The Act because the lead character is played by Joey King. I noticed AnnaSophia Robb as well, which is great. I didn't recognise Patricia Arquette and I'm ashamed.

Luckily 'the twist' came in the first episode already rather than at the end of the season, since I suspected something along those lines early on.
#JoeyKing #TheAct #AnnaSophiaRobb…

Occasionally you get this complaint that 'this program you wrote uses 80% cpu!', to which the valid response is 'sorry, I'll try to use the remaining 20% as well'.

I've been so spoiled always buying Samsung phones and tablets. Now I have a Google Pixel for work. It doesn't even come with a charger. Nor a manual. It's advertised as dual-sim, but has only one sim slot. Quite confusing to use, no back button, no easy access to settings.
Unknown parent

Gidi Kroon
@Joppe Kroon Zal ik proberen als de telefoon klaar is met updaten... En dat de tweede sim blijkbaar een e-sim moet zijn was ook mijn conclusie.