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Got an invitation to enjoy a nice helping of chicken for dinner with a family I enjoy spending time but at a family's house whom I don't much like. What would you do?
in reply to 🌻

If the dislike would sour my enjoyment of spending time with the other family and the meal, then I'd politely cry off. Difficult to ignore the hosts when you're in their house.

If I can live with it though and the chicken is good, then ... 😋

in reply to 🌻

I'd go. Family I like always trumps family I don't like.
in reply to 🌻

@🌻 "don't much like" doesn't sound as strong as a negative as "enjoy" is a positive, so I guess I'd go. Maybe they turn out not to be so bad. But it's completely up to you of course what you will do!