New people, welcome to Mastodon and the Fediverse!
Here's how to get started:
1. Find some people to follow over on @FediFollows, and through Trunk (
2. Find out your Mastodon/Fediverse address so you can share it with friends (…)
3. Invite people to join you on here by telling them to go to and click on "Get Started". It doesn't matter if they join a different server because the servers talk to each other (here's a bit more of an explanation…)
4. Find out wh
... show moreNew people, welcome to Mastodon and the Fediverse!
Here's how to get started:
1. Find some people to follow over on @FediFollows, and through Trunk (
2. Find out your Mastodon/Fediverse address so you can share it with friends (…)
3. Invite people to join you on here by telling them to go to and click on "Get Started". It doesn't matter if they join a different server because the servers talk to each other (here's a bit more of an explanation…)
4. Find out what the Fediverse is (…)
5. Find out why Mastodon being on so many different servers/instances is a really good thing (…)
6. If you see anything nasty, you can report it to your friendly server admin (…)
7. You can (sort of) verify your account if you own a website (…)
If you have any questions, @ me or DM me!
#MastoTips #FediTips #Mastodon

Attached: 1 image
You can find someone's Mastodon or Fediverse address on their profile page. (See the attached photo for an example!)
If someone asks how they can follow you on Mastodon/Fediverse, then give them your Fediverse address.
Mastodon 🐘
FediTips has moved!
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •8. If you're blind or partially sighted, there's a guide specifically for screen reader users at…
9. There is no overall owner of Mastodon, it's a collection of thousands of independent servers each with their own owner and set of rules.
10. There are no venture capitalists or cryptocurrencies or tokens or coins or web3 or NFTs or anything like that on Mastodon. Servers are entirely owned and paid for by their admins, and they rely on donations to keep going. Please be nice to them, they're doing you a favour by building this lovely corner of the internet.
Changeling’s Guide to Mastodon for screen Reader Users
The Starship ChangelingFediTips has moved!
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •11. Mastodon instances and Mastodon servers are the same thing. It doesn't matter which word you use.
12. Don't worry too much about which server you choose, you can always move your account later (see here for details…).
13. You can even set up your own Mastodon server if you like. You don't need any tech skills if you use a managed hosting service like or, who do all of the techy stuff for you.
14. You can find apps to use at You do not have to use the official apps, if you don't want to! There are lots of great unofficial apps which actually have more features than the official ones. You can see the unofficial apps on by scrolling down to the "third party apps" section.
15. Servers listed on have all signed up to a covenant ( which promises responsible moderation and reliable service.
FediTips (
Mastodon 🐘FediTips has moved!
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •16. Write something about yourself in your profile and add a picture. You don't have to use a real name or photo, call yourself whatever you want and use any picture you want.
17. Write an introductory post about yourself and give it the hashtag #Introductions, so that people can say hello to you
18. Make sure you use hashtags in public posts so they can be discovered more easily. Most searches on Mastodon depend on hashtags.
19. Posts on Mastodon are also known as "toots" (because that's the noise an elephant makes, and the Mastodon is an ancient ancestor of the elephant 🐘 ), while retweets here are "boosts".
20. Another good beginner's guide is @noelle's "Increasingly Less-Brief Guide to Mastodon" at…
GitHub - joyeusenoelle/GuideToMastodon: An increasingly less-brief guide to Mastodon
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •Albert Magellan
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •Cheng
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •FediTips has moved!
in reply to Cheng • • •An instance can be physically any infrastructure that its owner chooses, so that might be lots of computers.
The "server" name for instances is not meant to be a physical description. It's used becuse non-technical people aren't familiar with the term "instance", but they might have heard of servers when using Minecraft or whatever.
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •FediTips has moved!
in reply to skry • • •On the web version they are at:
Preferences > Other > Filter Languages, select the languages you want to see and click "Save changes"
You should be able to access account settings on the apps too, I believe the official app has it in the "Boring Zone" of the settings page.
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •FediTips has moved!
in reply to • • •FediTips has moved!
Unknown parent • • •@arth
Sorry, I didn't mean to dump work on you, meant to say it hadn't been just neglected for years!
Ryan Brown 🎮
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •FediTips has moved!
Unknown parent • • •There's a monthly fee, starting from about 6 euros or 6 US dollars for the smallest server. If you split that between a few users (you and some friends or family) and you're down to a dollar or two per person per month. On larger servers the costs are just tens of cents per user per month, it is not a huge amount.
Owning your own server means you control the server, you set the rules and no one is spying on you.
On Facebook, Twitter etc, it's "free" but they cover their own costs by spying on you.
FediTips has moved!
Unknown parent • • •There is already a bookmarks section! 👍
If you log in through your server's website, you'll see it in the "Bookmarks" link on the right (on the mobile website you need to press the three line menu icon to see Bookmarks).
The unofficial (aka "third party") apps also support bookmarks.
You can add a bookmark to a post by clicking on the "..." and then selecting "Bookmark" or clicking the bookmark icon 🔖 if there is one.
The official apps don't yet support bookmarks, but I assume that's because they only launched a few days/weeks ago. There are a lot of features missing from the official apps which are in the unofficial ones.
Jeremy :bat_boy:
Unknown parent • • •FediTips has moved!
in reply to Jeremy :bat_boy: • • •Believe me, it does get easier and will make sense if you stick with it 😁
Should also say the number of people joining Mastodon today is many times what it normally is, so timelines will be a bit wobbly anyway for the next few hours.
About your issue:
Every server on Mastodon is independent and has its own list of users. But the servers talk to each other and let their members interact across the entire network.
When you sign up on a server, you get an address that has two parts, your username and your server name.
The one you're posting from now is @ jeremydebose @ You can only use that account to sign in on, but once you're signed in you can interact with people from any server, including
It's kind of like email: if you have a Gmail account you can communicate with Yahoo Mail addresses. You only need to sign up on one server in order to interact with other people on other servers.
Does this help? Feel free to say no 😆
Ellie 🐍 🎄:trans_heart:
Unknown parent • • •FediTips has moved!
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •It's also like telephones.
If you buy one phone from one provider, you can call anyone anywhere, regardless of which provider they use, even if they're in another country.
The server you join is the equivalent of your phone company. The other servers are like other phone companies.
Because Mastodon servers talk to each other, you only need to sign up on one server, and that is enough to give you access to the whole network.
Ellie 🐍 🎄:trans_heart:
Unknown parent • • •FediTips has moved!
in reply to Ellie 🐍 🎄:trans_heart: • • •FediTips has moved!
Unknown parent • • •Jeremy :bat_boy:
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •Jeremy :bat_boy:
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •FediTips has moved!
in reply to Jeremy :bat_boy: • • •Aahh ok...
If both of the accounts are on, the admin should be able to sort it out as they would have tools for altering user details etc.
DMing them would be the best course of action. is run by @stux, try messaging them. It may take a bit longer get a reply right now though, as there's an unprecedentedly large tidalwave of new members joining 😁
FediTips has moved!
in reply to Jeremy :bat_boy: • • •Honestly, it does make sense once you get used to it
The whole internet used to work like this, as did communications before it, because it is quite useful to be decentralised.
I did a little thread about this some time ago:…
FediTips (
Mastodon 🐘Jeremy :bat_boy:
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •Roh 👻
Unknown parent • • •FediTips has moved!
Unknown parent • • •If you're a techy person you can install Mastodon yourself using the official instructions at…
An easier option is to use @yunohost to install it through the Yunohost operating system.
The easiest option though is to use managed hosting services for a fee.
Preparing your machine
docs.joinmastodon.orgFediTips has moved!
Unknown parent • • •The best starting point is probably:
There are thousands more servers out there, the above link is just a small selection of the most reliable ones.
("Servers", "instances" and "communities" are all the same thing.)
Choosing a community
joinmastodon.orgLiz Ellis She/Her🌳
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •I tried joining some other instances but it's saying my log in details for this acct are not valid.
Is this due to huge numbers making it buggy right now, or am I doing it wrong?
FediTips has moved!
in reply to Liz Ellis She/Her🌳 • • •Your account is only valid on the instance you signed up on.
Trying to log in on other instances would be like trying to sign in to Yahoo Mail with your Gmail account.
You don't need to join other Masto instances to interact with them, in the same way you don't need to sign up on Yahoo Mail to send emails to yahoo addresses.
For example, I'm on and you're on but we are able to interact here, because Mastodon instances talk to each other.
I hope this is clear, let me know if it's not, I know this is a lot to take in if you're new here! 😄
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •FediFollows has moved!
in reply to Susan • • •Have you tried putting your full Mastodon address (including the part at the end)?
Addresses on here have to include the server you signed up on.
in reply to FediFollows has moved! • • •FediTips has moved!
in reply to Susan • • •Okay, if that's not working for you, try just copying the address of the person you want to follow, then paste it into the search box within Mastodon.
When you search for an address, it will bring up a profile you can follow.
This works whether you're logged in with apps or the website.
Liz Ellis She/Her🌳
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •maaaaaybe!
So if I want to have a look at say, to see if I like it and want to hang there, I need to create an account?
I'd like to check out other instances to find a cool place to hang out, but can't see into any of them other than
FediTips has moved!
in reply to Liz Ellis She/Her🌳 • • •
No no, it's exactly the opposite. The instances aren't separate forums, they're more like ways into a single common forum.
I'm not on, but you can see me and I can see you. Mastodon servers talk to each other, so it doesn't really matter if people are on different servers, they can still interact.
Here's another analogy: with one single mobile phone, you can phone anyone, on any provider, in any country. This works because phone providers have connected their networks together.
Mastodon is the same, but for social media. Even if we sign up on different servers, we can interact and join in with discussions together because the servers are connected into a single network.
If you want to find interesting discussions the best way is to search for hashtags, follow interesting people, post public posts with hashtags. If you're logged in through the website there's an "Explore" section with popular posts from 24 hours.
FediTips has moved!
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •Liz Ellis She/Her🌳
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •FediTips has moved!
in reply to Liz Ellis She/Her🌳 • • •Not at all, really glad if I can help!
There is no such thing as a silly question here, please do let me know if I can help more 👍
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •Anna Nicholson
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •This is good except that, for me at least, most of the links don’t seem to work
(Some do, but it’s not clear how they are different)
FediTips has moved!
in reply to Anna Nicholson • • •Sorry to hear :(
Could you let me know which links don't work? And are you viewing Mastodon through the web or through an app?
Anna Nicholson
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •The only links that worked in that post were numbers 1 and 3
This was using the Mast iOS app, which is one of several I’m experimenting with
It seems it’s the only one with that issue 🤷♀️
FediTips has moved!
in reply to Anna Nicholson • • •Okay, thank you for checking! 🙏
It looks from the app's listing as though Mast is not being maintained any more?
I can't find a website for the developer so it's difficult to tell, but unfixed bugs might explain the behaviour.
Anna Nicholson
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •Ah, ok, that perhaps explains another problem I had with Mast
Pity, as it’s one of the prettier apps, with easy-to-read not-to-high-contrast text
FediFollows has moved!
Unknown parent • • •You can't log into another server with your current server's details.
Servers are independent with their own member lists.
However, the servers talk to each other which means you can interact without having to join any other servers.
For example, I'm on while you're on But we are able to interact as if we were on one network.
It's like email, you don't need a yahoo account to send mail to a yahoo address.
FediTips has moved!
Unknown parent • • •It's like telephones: if you wanted to call your friend, you wouldn't care what provider he uses, you'd just call him.
If you want to interact with someone on here, it doesn't matter what server they're on, you just interact with them.
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •David Rodriguez Jr.
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •FediTips has moved!
in reply to David Rodriguez Jr. • • •You don't need to put HTML code in there.
Just put the website addresses including https:// at the start, they will automatically turn into clickable links.
David Rodriguez Jr.
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •David Rodriguez Jr.
Unknown parent • • •kimeiga
in reply to FediTips has moved! • • •