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So there are people in the US who are undecided between a clearly unqualified openly racist candidate, and a clearly qualified person of colour. Sounds to me they are not undecided at all.

The playbook of create a crisis to invoke a crisis.
in reply to Gidi Kroon

Could be WordPress, could be the Dutch extremist government, could be something else. Who knows.

Made it to the start of the Eindhoven City Run (5km, this year relegated to the Saturday and not on the actual Marathon day). Also made it to the finish, but I was too tired to take another photo. My time was 34:29, not the slowest ever despite having to hold back due to an injury (the uphill bits were difficult for more than the normal reasons). Made it back home too and added to my collection.

I'd wish they had changing facilities near the finish line, or at all since on Saturday nothing is available. It was a long cold walk back in my t-shirt... Sitting here now trying to warm back up.
#EindhovenCityRun #ASMLMarathonEindhoven

in reply to Gidi Kroon

My position was 1879 out of 3937 participants. There I was worrying I would not be able to finish before the closing time.

Today it's exactly one year ago that an unthinkable massacre was committed by a terrorist organisation against ordinary people in Israel. I'm still hoping the people responsible will be handed over to international courts to face justice.

During this year unthinkable war crimes have been committed in what followed as a response to that massacre. So much so that they overshadow the massacre itself in the public debate. These war crimes have to stop immediately and unilaterally. For both sides there should be no need for negotiations or agreements to stop war crimes. Stop bombing civilians, now. Stop involving civilians in your fight. I'm also hoping these war crimes go to the international courts.

These are the more immediate things I'm hoping to see happening. More idle hope I have is that someone realises that by always retaliating, the fighting never stops; a brave leader (so not one of the ones in power today) is going to decide to not hit back, breaking the circle of violence.

Apologies to the people taking the train in the south east of the Netherlands: I decided to take the train today, so naturally everything is cancelled.

It should be illegal for predatory birds to be flying overhead when I have my ultra wide lens on the camera. And I'm too lazy to change it.