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Emilia Clarke as ambassador for "With Women in Mind"

Emilia Clarke is the ambassador for With Women in Mind and founder of Same You. Here she is interviewed by the charity Mind in this short clip about mental health.

Originally posted by them as an Instagram reel at… copyright remains with them.
#EmiliaClarke #MentalHealth #WithWomenInMind #SameYou

Original caption by @mindcharity:

“To me, mental health is the very definition of life. It’s how you feel when you wake up, how you feel when you go to bed, how your friends feel, how your family feels, it can transform or destroy someone’s entire life.”

@emilia_clarke is an ambassador for our With Women in Mind collective, which will be supporting young people affected by trauma.

If you’re struggling with your mental health or have been affected by trauma, speak to us 💙

Emilia is also co-founder of @sameyouorg which campaigns for better mental health support after brain injury.

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